< Plasma
Directory Structure
- QML files have the .qml suffix go into ui/ they use CamelCase in their filename.
- Javascript files have the .js suffix and go into code/
For all Javascript code, follow the kdelibs code style. This means spaces around operators, if/else on same line as braces, four space indentation (not tabs) etc, see techbase.
QML Item declarations follow this pattern:
Item { // brace on same line
// line indentation
id: topLevelItem // the id, if any, is the first line
// Geometry properties
// grouped propertes as anchors should be in this notation,
// unless there is only one property
anchors {
fill: parent
rightMargin: 6
// Data models, including Plasma.DataSources
model: { }
// Properties of this item
property bool foo
// Property aliases
property alias bar :
// Properties defined by Item class, except geometry properties
someProperty: 123
// all on* change functions
onFooChanged: fooFunction()
onSomePropertyChanged: { // brace on same line as these use the "name:" style
fooFunction(); // in blocks, kdelibs style, including semicolons at EOL
// all functions
function fooFunction()
{ // open brace on its OWN line
// code goes here; kdelibs style
function barFunction()
// note the newline between this function and the one above it
// all non-UI sub-items, such as timers
Timer {
id: timer
interval: 100
onTriggered: fooFunction()
// all UI sub-items
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
Item {
// note the newline between items
id: secondItem
// all components
Component {
id: firstComponent
Component {
// note the newline between components
id: secondComponent
// the "onCompleted" function goes last, as befits the name
Component.onCompleted: {
// if multi-line block, brace goes on same line due to "name:" style of declaration
} // topLevelItem: for items with considerable contents, comment the last } with what it matches