Kexi/Plugins/Forms/Button hyperlinks
Design page for task: "Add support for opening hyperlink via a form button".
- Started: Jstaniek October 2012
- Wish #308832
- Target: ?
It should be possible to assign hyperlink (URL) to a form button. URL could be:
- Static (assigned to a button via 'hyperlink' property of type string)
- Dynamic (bound to one of form's field)
Hyperlink Type
Distinction between Static/Dynamic URL has to be encoded somehow. To do so, add hyperlinkType property for Push button, of enum type:
- NoHyperlink - clicking on button will not lead to opening of URL even if it has been provided in the hyperlink property or if a field has been bound
- StaticHyperlink - clicking on button will lead to opening of URL provided in the hyperlink property; if not provided, nothing happens
- DynamicHyperlink - clicking on button will lead to opening of URL provided in the bound field; if not bound or value is empty, nothing happens; hyperlink property is ignored in any case
Further work