< KDEEdu | Sprint2012
* KDE Edu on Mobile - What projects should be ported? - The one who codes decides - Ones that don't make much sense - ktouch - rocs - step - cantor (though mitght make sense for tablet) - maybe problem with dependencies (octave, maxima, ...) - ??? - What's the differences to "regular linux" - Plasma Active is "regular linux" - N9 was close to "regular linux" - Android is weirdish - Playbook is not linux, has a POSIX layer - Development platform - We should assume we have Qt5/KF5, focus on porting the app, not on porting the "OS layer" - Do we want different versions for the Mobile version? - Integrate with the platform, if you want to integrate you might need abstractions - It might be easier to "focus" on one platform to get something running - What did Aleix do with KAlgebra? - Have QML with the same API and install the files that belong to that platform - Shipping kdelibs - Necessitas said there should be no problem in bundling kdelibs in the "necessitas installer" - Should desktop version also be QML? - Might make sense for appplications that want to go mobile, this way even if there's different "frontend UI" for the desktop one - Should they be available for free on the platform markets? - Also discussed yesterday - Who is the one that gets the money? - Maintainer? - eV? - Might be a problem given the statutes - kdeedu group? - People could "upload" the same app for free - Should not be a problem to get the appstore to kick the other one - Not force anyone to make it free or paid - Localization issues? - Translators are not someimes aware that the kvtml files should be translated (desktop affected too) - ktouch next - Keyboard layouts: No need to translate them since it's autodetected - Courses: Names could not make much sense to translate since it's "keyboard/language" specific and if you want to learn german keymap, you probably understand german anyway, what's the point on getting the title in French? - How to improve app-in purchase like a new translation? Porting GHNS or something else? - KNS is abstracted so you could use a "android backend" for it - Standard for flashcards programs? - Parley wouldn't probably ported to it there's not that much manpower - Maybe easier to "extend" KVTML - How to promote KDE Edu better in mobile software? - Not mobile specific - On the mobile store the "KDE EDU" brand gets a bit more dilutted - Mention "KDE EDU" on the appstore description - Put the "KDE EDU" logo somewhere in the app (main page if possible) - Mention "KDE EDU" in About dialog - Add a list of "other KDE EDU" apps? - How to get devices or simulators up and running easily? - Lower entry barrier - It's platform responsability to provide the raw SDK - We should provide the tools/documetantation on top of the raw SDK - Approach companies and communicate we have cool stuff → get hw - Lazslo is doing it for RIM (21 people signed up) - Common feedback from the appstore reviews? - Quite valuable feedback from the appstore comments - Users wanted localization for language apps - Adding screenshots and few words on the website? - Only desktop apps are on the website - There should be a link to the market - Evaluation: what metrics make a platform more potential than another for KDE Edu? - HW available? - Qt working? - kdelibs/KF working? - users - How to make the build simple for various platforms (i.e. helping developer, packagers, and so forth)? - We should aim for the same code base in master with a different cmake option - helps translations, jenkins, etc - Mobile edu logo (less detailed? Getting svgs so that is easier to handle forth and back?) - Lazslo removed the "Grow your knowledge" text from the logo - Makes sense for removing clutter, "Grow your knowledge" might be too small to read properly