< KDEEdu
Parley Practice NG 23rd attempt
Work on the parley practice happens in a branch here: Browse WebSVN online
Check it out:
svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/parley-practice/
remove old practice codeF- does Paraphrase make any sense at all? no - remove paraphrase - it is not used in any single document we could find
- remove Antonym completely
- find an icon for stop practice (toolbar)
- idea: use the start practice with media-stop instead of media-play
- timeouts during practice ???
- get rid of current way of handling them in the lib? BIC!!!???!!!
- use a stringlist instead
- make it possible to edit them in the table - how to separate two of them? semicolon?
- change/rewrite dock widget
- practice options (is this really really needed?):
- accept any synonym as correct
- ask to enter all synonyms
- ask until the exact word that is wanted is there, but don't count other synonyms as wrong on the way there
Configure Practice
Currently check boxes and radio buttons are shown ->remove radiosF- is it OK to have options across all types of practice on the same page?
- rather use advanced page, clean that up
- select tenses by default?? otherwise this needs some way to be set up easier
- clean up advanced options
- language selection: instead of having two lists, just have one list containing "French → German" and "German → French"
Completely Missing
Still missing are:
- Conjugations
- Vocabulary test (school like) with good summary and "grade"
- no button for hints
- add buttons to "go back and forth"
- don't show if the answer was right
Easy ones reusing the written front end should be:
- Comparative forms, articles
- Example sentences
Flash Card
- Radio buttons make little sense here - I'd rather have 2-3 buttons - I knew it well, not good, not at all (?)
Multiple Choice
- Unset the selected choice after an answer (radio button)
- Showing the "I knew it"/"Did not know it" below the other radios looks bad
- Make number of multiple choice answers configurable in the config practice dialog
Hint needs to be implemented in a sane way (now it shows the solution directly)- done (Frederik)Feedback - when a new word is shown, it still says "Your answer was wrong"- done (Frederik)- Ignore accent / capitzalisation mistakes is not implemented currently
- make sure that "I did (not) know it" actually does the right thing
- I think I just had an empty word shown - make sure they are filtered away
All Practice Modes
- Grading - how do we give grades, how do words advance? Especially when combining modes (doing FlashCard, MC and Written all in one go)
- every word that was answered correctly is shown as "right on first attempt" in summary - no way to get anything wrong :D maybe change that...
- feedback text: not "wrong idiot", not "I fear this was wrong.." but good sentences
- set grade to 1 when a word was answered incorrectly
Summary Page (after practice is finished)
- One page only
- Bar on top with colors that indicate how good the practice was
- Table below (sorted, most mistakes on top)
- New rows are appended when pressing enter in the row above the last one, not in the last one - Qt 4.6 regression?
- changes in dock widgets are not reflected in table -> model needs to emit dataChanged for the view to update (not working since the editing happens without models knowledge)
Profiles and config and zip
- Instead of using current kvtml files, use the same with compression
- add images, sound and other media into the zip file