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This page exists to have bird's-eye view to what's up in the project now and what would happen soon. It is useful to have up-to-date items for every contributor so we can synchronize and also exchange some tasks when possible. Synchronization is especially important when working in multiple time zones or just different hours. Please put top-priority/current tasks at the top of your section. You can add date as prefix. When done, move to your DONE section.


diggy: TODO

diggy: DONE


piggz: TODO

piggz: DONE


shreya: TODO

  • Send Sprint minutes to jstaniek

shreya: DONE


staniek: TODO

  • ODP template with Calligra logo for Inge, test with Calligra-intro.odp
  • find files for d-pointer-ing (Code-in tasks for Shreya)
  • Finish review of proofreading Kexi i18n messages by Stephanie Das Gupta
    • remove straing referring to IDEAl and commit to master (Monday)
  • Update screenshots/screencasts at http://kexi-project.org/screenshots.html http://kexi-project.org/screencasts.html http://www.calligra.org/kexi/ http://userbase.kde.org/Kexi
  • [WEDNESDAY] Write blog entry: Eating our dog food
    • Find an easy way to reuse access to Adam's server to showcase a simple public service in the blog
  • Write blog entry: Integration idea: Shared Calligra Themes
    • Create two mockups showing synergy between Kexi and Words

staniek: DONE

  • Write blog entry: Introduction to Kexi [1]
  • More logo guidelines work [2]
  • Code-in tasks for Shreya
  • Logo Guidelines Draft 3 published [3]


wicik: TODO

  • Learn QTest and start implementing tests for predicate library.
  • Implement asynchronous marble maps.

wicik: DONE