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KDE Mobile/Harmattan

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KDE on Meego 1.2 Harmattan

This page is intended for developers seeking to deploy their KDE Applications on a Harmattan Device like the N9(50).

Getting Started

If you are new to Harmattan you should check out the [#General_Hints] section first

Development Repositories

For KDE Development you need several third party libraries. Several are available in the Nokia SDK repository which is also preinstalled in scratchbox. To provide additional libraries there are several packages needed by KDE available from the "rzr" repository, which is one of the biggest community repos. To enable this repository in your scratchbox or on your device add the following to you /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/ harmattan/sdk free non-free deb http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/rzr:/harmattan/MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_Maemo.org_MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_standard/ ./

The SDK is already enabled in scratchbox but you need it on your device as it supplies dependencies needed by rzr packages.

For more on the rzr repository see: https://build.pub.meego.com/project/show?project=home%3Arzr%3Aharmattan

Set up a development Environment

Using Madde

--- TODO ---

Using Scratchbox

Scratchbox utilizes qemu and some changeroot style path seperation to allow you to have a development environment where you can "natively" compile for armel and work with armel packages on a generic Host system.

For information on how to install it see: http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/platform-sdk

General Hints

When you start out with an N950 you might first want to upgrade your image to the latest version: http://wiki.meego.com/N950_landing_page offers information on how to do that.

Enabling Developer Mode

This is actually quite easy and there is even a GUI on the devices for it (reachable via Settings -> Security -> Developer Mode) This will also install an ssh server on your device which makes the rest of the installation much more comfortable.

Also, having enabled the Developer Mode, you will be able to check out the /var/log/syslog on your device for further information. Developer mode is intended for developing applications into the Nokia OVI store. You might need to use the "develsh" on your device for testing your application in certain cases.

Configure SSH

To connect to your ssh server you first have to set a password for the "user" account. To do that open the Terminal application and use devel-su to log in as root (default root password is rootme) and set the password for the user by calling passwd user. Now you are able to connect to your device as user and configure the OpenSSH server as usual.

Having enabled the developer mode, you also use the SDK Connection util on the applauncher screen to get the password for your connection. Let it USB or WI-FI. You can just then use the following command to log into your device over ssh: ssh [email protected]

Note: You have to use the desired password from the SDK Connection util at the prompt. Also, there are no differences between SDK Connection and Sync&Connect mode after plugging in your mini usb cable. They will both work for your development purposes in most cases (There are some Mac and Windows corner cases though).

Packaging your KDE Mobile application with shared libraries

This task comes into the picture when you would like to package your KDE Mobile application for OVI usage (ie.: for publish it into the Nokia OVI Store).

As for development, you can use the workflow aforementioned: just installing the kdelibs, kde-runtime, libkdeedu and so forth packages also in Scratchbox, Madde or the gadget.

However this is not the case for shipping your application into OVI store. The preferred workflow is grabbing the shared libraries after installing the relevant debian packages from the community repository and then put them into your application package (ie.: it becomes the part of your OVI application, like a "bundled" package). Note that, you are not obligated to use the pre-built kdelibs packages from the Community Open Build Service repository (or some fallback KDE Community Harmattan repository), if you do not wish. You can build your own version. It is just only for convenience.

The following examples demonstrates this theory.


#include <KDE/KCmdLineArgs>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
	KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, 0 );
    printf("Hello KDE Mobile (printf/stdout)!\n");
    return 0;


find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
include (KDE4Defaults)
set(tutorial1_SRCS main.cpp)
kde4_add_executable(tutorial1 ${tutorial1_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(tutorial1 ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY})


#!/usr/bin/make -f

# Use this variable to allow options passed to cmake to be overridable

	dh $@

	dh_auto_configure -- $(DEB_CMAKE_OPTIONS)

The remaining files, like debian/control and so on are general. It is also possible to download the project in a tarball. See the attachment for details.