User:Jstaniek/Calligra Sprint 2011.2 presentation
My Plans
- Why Kexi? - introduction for Calligra Developers
- Sharing Kexi's CSV import/export engine within Calligra
- Better separation between engine and UI
- Eating our dog food: use Kexi, Tables, Plan, etc. in our work
Other Plans
- Shreya: Improving UI and features of Kexi Web Element,fixing bugs, Multimedia in Kexi
- Dimitrios:
- Need for Interoperability between Calligra apps
- UI perspective from a non developer
- Promoting Calligra
- Plug-ins K.I.S.S. proposal
- Calligra and DTP (ideas)
- Kexi Documentation / Making documentation roadmaps
- Radek: bug hunting in kexi, futher maps plugin expand
Why Kexi? - introduction for Calligra Developers
Sharing Kexi's CSV import/export engine within Calligra
Better separation between engine and UI
Eating our dog food
- Why?
- Sends clear message: this software is useful
- Testing by fellow contributors is valuable
- Generates usage scenarios and then requirements
- Brings ideas for improvements in terms of integration with other apps
- Helps avoid feature duplication
- If right tool picked, development process improves
- Team building
- Easier to understand and acknowledge differences between apps
- Helps identify specific competences among contributors
- Use Where? 3 aspects
- Reusing our features of one app in other apps (instead of reinventing)
- Target: Calligra developers/designers
- Using our apps in the development process
- Target: Any Calligra contributors
- Using our apps elsewhere, in activities not related to Calligra
- Target: Any Calligra contributors and advocates
- Reusing our features of one app in other apps (instead of reinventing)
- Use What?
- Use Kexi for relational data
- Already good for storing and simple queries
- Not yet good for analyzing
- Only simple relational features
- Status: not used, let's start!
- Action point: provide usage scenarios
- Example: CSV import/export
- Action point: provide server infrastructure for shared databases
- some of that public, some of that for contributors only
- Use Tables for tabular data
- Status: used for some ods files
- Action point: identify problems like usability
- Use Plan for project management
- Status: some contributors use it
- Action point: get best practices from them
- Use Kexi for relational data
- How?
- Provide "Best practices for own dog food consumers":
- "Keep separate setup of stable version of used Calligra apps: How and why?"
- Separation between development (broken) version and stable (used) version
- Minimal compilations for development (e.g. Krita-only) can be still used while having access to all needed Calligra apps
- Already practiced by contributors anyway: they tend to keep multiple build directories with stable/broken versions; now it can be extended
- "Keep separate setup of stable version of used Calligra apps: How and why?"
- Provide "Best practices for own dog food consumers":