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Kexi/Releases/Kexi 2.4 Beta 1

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 18:18, 11 September 2011 by Jstaniek (talk | contribs) (Statistics)

Kexi 2.4 Beta 1 release is within Calligra 2.4 Beta 1

See also Kexi 2.4 release, Kexi 2.3 release, Calligra 2.4 Release Plan, Calligra 2.4 Feature Plan, Kexi TODOs.

List of changes


  • Disable "Save Record Changes" action when user cancels editing or reverts edited text to the original value. "Cancel Record Changes" action is not disabled though, so user is still able to exit from record editing mode.
  • Ask for confirmation when going to Design View and have pending record changes in Data View of table or form
  • Replaced term "row" with "record" in visible places

Missing or discontinued features in 2.4

None identified.

See Missing or discontinued features in 2.3 for reference.


In the first release of Calligra after advancing from KOffice 2.3, a number of appliacation has been renamed. Kexi retains its name for two reasons: it is already recognized brand and it is no longer available within KOffice.

Major feature

The most visible change in Kexi 2.4 is the modern menu and startup screen. The objective was to reduce number of modal dialogs by switching to web-page-like interface to give more freedom to users. This philosophy, much different than in other KDE applications, will be applied to further features. For example many concurrent data importing views would be eventually possible to open within tabs, much like on modern web browsers.

Introducing this fundamental change, Kexi still is desktop application with all related features, especially fully offline operations and robust user interface. It is important to know that there is no use of web technologies to construct the graphical interface, so the level of "look & feel" integration with the underlying operating system is hard if not impossible to reach by web applications.


All Major Features

There were about 380 changes made to Kexi during the 2.4 development 10-months-long process.


To generate list of commiters sorted by commit count:

cd caligra/
git shortlog -n --since="Dec 12 2010" -w80 -s -e --no-merges \
kexi libs/koreport/ libs/koproperty/ plugins/reporting/ | \
grep -v [email protected]

Remove -s to show all commit logs.

To see total number of commits:

cd caligra/
git shortlog -n --since="Dec 12 2010" -w80 -s -e --no-merges \
kexi libs/koreport/ libs/koproperty/ plugins/reporting/ | \
grep -v [email protected] | cut -c-6 |  paste -sd+ | bc