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Kexi/Junior Jobs/Web Browser Form Widget

From KDE Community Wiki

Web browser widget is a GUI element that displays web page and allows for navigation experience similar to regular web browsers.

Proposed and mentored by Jstaniek 22:37, 17 February 2011 (UTC)


This task is also available within sponsored Google Summer of Code 2011 program. See details.

See also: Map Browser Form Widget Junior Job.


The Goals

  • Deliver extra "Web Browser" widget compatible with Kexi Forms.
  • Deliver extra "Web Browser" report element compatible with Kexi Report.
  • Deliver "web" element as a flake shape for any Flake-capable app.


Kexi Form Widget

  • Design and implement the widget and provide it through separate factory using the kexi widget factory API
  • All the code should be stored in this tree in calligra/:
  • To implement the widget derive from QWebView class, part of the QtWebKit module
  • Do not export the any class, just export the plugin using K_EXPORT_KEXI_FORM_WIDGET_FACTORY_PLUGIN(WebWidgetFactory, webbrowser) in WebBrowserFactory.cpp
  • Class name of the widget should be KexiWebBrowser
  • User-visible name of the widget should be "Web Browser"
  • Name prefix of the widget should be "web"
  • User-visible description of the widget should be "Web browser"
  • class name of the factory should be WebBrowserFactory, and the name passed to the KFormDesigner::WidgetFactory constructor should be "webbrowser"
  • provide translations (i18n()) for all user-visible property names in the factory constructor (see StdWidgetFactory for reference), e.g.
m_propDesc["url"] = i18n("Address");
  • the build should be allowed for webbrowser/CMakeLists.txt only if the QtWebKit module is present, try to check it using cmake; usually the QtWebKit is present but it is not always the case
  • Testing: proper implementation should after installing provide web browser widget within the widget palette of "Form Design" tab. Inserting the web browser widget should show it, changing properties through the property editor should work, switching to data view mode should display the browser properly and the browser's contents (web page) should be available for zooming (using the wheel) and panning (using the mouse move). All these mouse actions should be disabled on the widget in design mode, so the user is able to drag and drop the widget within the form.


  • The directory of the forms framework is kexi/kformeditor/, standard factory is implemented in kexi/formeditor/
  • The widget factory API is provided by the KFormDesigner::WidgetFactory base class. Inherit it as StdWidgetFactory does.
  • You can test QWebView widget in Qt Designer too.


  • Data binding: the "url" property should be made available for data bindings, what would make the web browser widget data-aware
    • Look at KexiDBCheckBox code which binds to a column of database (of boolean type): kexi/plugins/forms/widgets/kexidbcheckbox.h to see what to inherit and what to implement to enable bindings
    • Note: to use the data-aware interfaces we need to move the webbrowser/ directory out of the formeditor/factories/ directory to kexi/plugins/forms/widgets/ directory, otherwise it won't compile. Basically, code in kexi/plugins/forms/ depends on kexi/formeditor/, not the other way round. Sorry about that.

Kexi Report Element

  • Expose the web to Kexi Reports via the KoReports official API for elements
  • The element should inserted into a separate report plugin


Flake Shape

  • expose the maps as a flake shape (for any Flake-capable app)
  • add support for so called Replacement Images, compare:
"The OpenDocument Format contains a great idea: so called Replacement Images. 
 The idea is that when you have an embedded object in an ODF file, perhaps not 
 all applications can handle that particular kind of embedded object.
 So in addition to the object itself, a saving application has the option to save 
 an extra image of the object alongside of the object itself. That way, the loading 
 application can at least show the contents of the object to the user even if he 
 or she cannot edit the object. " more

After implementation

TODO: we have to update calligra/README.PACKAGERS document to indicate that the plugin must be packaged separately to avoid hard dependency on QtWebKit

Notes from the Developer

(Please insert notes here)