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Talk:Digikam/Compilation on Kubuntu

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Revision as of 08:32, 31 August 2024 by Emuller (talk | contribs) (DigiKam under KDE: riding on the wrong horse?)
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i was using DigiKam for years now, thanks for the great work! But now, after an Dist-upgrade from Kubuntu 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS nothing is working! After some web-search i found, that the ffmpeg-Library (in the version 6.1) is not longer open source? (https://launchpad.net/~savoury1) citation: UPDATE (4 Jun 2024): Regarding Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, thanks to a new business sponsor of FFmpeg 6.1.x builds there will now be a few packages published for this new Ubuntu version. Only the dozen or so packages needed to build FFmpeg 6.1.x with exactly the same features as for Ubuntu <= 22.04 will be uploaded and only private PPA users (those who have donated) will be able to install these FFmpeg 6.1.x builds for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Other packages can also be sponsored, contact me if you would like more builds for Noble.

The description here at kde.org is really outdated, so i can't really use it under noble numbat. I donated several times to open source projects, i think, i did also donate to the DigiKam-Project.

How can i get a relative new DigiKam Version running under Kubuntu 24.04 LTS

Thanks for any advice.
