KDE Gear/24.02 Release notes
< KDE Gear
New tarballs
- isoimagewriter
- khealthcertificate
Tarballs that we do not ship anymore
- kopete
- print-manager (now released as part of Plasma)
Tarballs have switched from being Qt5 based to Qt6-based
Tarballs which are needed as Qt 5 and Qt 6 Builds
These projects provide supporting functions to KDE apps so to ensure Qt 5 based KDE apps continue to function distros should build them twice, once with Qt 5 and once with Qt 6.
- kio-extras
- audiocd-kio
- kio-zeroconf
- libkgapi still needs a Qt 5 version for kio-gdrive and a Qt 6 version for pim bits.
- libkcddb needs a Qt 5 version for k3b and a Qt 6 version for kio-audiocd.
- libcompactdisc
- kaccounts-integration