KDE Connect never sends any information to KDE nor to any third party. KDE Connect sends data from one device to the other directly using the local network, never through the internet. Network traffic is always encrypted using TLS1.2.
Android permissions
KDE Connect requests the following permissions on Android, for the following reasons:
- STORAGE: To save received files and to read files to send.
- CONTACTS: When you receive a phone call or SMS, KDE Connect looks up the caller/sender on your contact list to display the contact name instead of the number.
- NOTIFICATIONS: For the notifications plugins to be able to forward the notifications to your desktop.
- SMS: For the SMS plugin to forward SMS to your desktop and to be able to reply them.
- BATTERY: For the battery plugin to report the battery on your desktop.
- LOCATION: The location permission is required to know to which WiFi network you are connected. If you use the Trusted Networks feature (to restrict autodiscovery only to known networks), you will need to gran the "background location" permission. Otherwise this permission is not needed.
- ACCESSIBILITY: Required to receive input from another device to control your Android phone.
- QUERY INSTALLED PACKAGES: To be able to filter which notifications are forwarded from the PC, KDE Connect will enumerate all the apps installed on your device.