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Infrastructure/Git/GitHub Mirror

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 22:48, 22 October 2022 by Nmariusp (talk | contribs) (https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development)


KDE is managing a read-only mirror of https://invent.kde.org on GitHub located at https://github.com/KDE .

We want to make KDE sources easy to find, share and build upon. If you are signed into github.com you can search e.g. https://github.com/search?q=org%3AKDE+KDEInstallDirs .


Why don't you enable pull requests?

Our central repositories are handled by our awesome sysadmins over on kde.org where we have full control and tighter integration within our services. If we started using multiple repositories and making developers look in two places that gets even more complicated and unfair on the maintainers.

Also as an open source project, it's very important for us to use open source tools. GitHub does not meet that requirement. Also, GitHub is subject to policy changes without notice, which can be less of a pleasant surprise.

How do I submit "Pull Requests"?

The mirrors of the KDE git repositories at GitHub are read only. Please do not do GitHub Pull Requests. Instead you should see the official instructions on how to contribute to KDE https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved/development .

How do I submit "Issues"?

Please file a bug report or wish at http://bugs.kde.org