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Project Overview

Project Name: An Improved Graph Theory IDE
Purpose: As a student, I use graphs in almost everything related to my master’s research. Graph Theory is a great mathematical tool for programmers and mathematicians, as it facilitates some computational problems resolution and modelling. However, is not always easy to understand the underlying theory and algorithms.

Rocs (https://kde.org/applications/education/rocs) is a Graph Theory IDE created in January of 2010, with new updates still being committed almost every month, currently in the KDE repositories, designed for lecturers, students and researchers. It is composed of a visual data structure and a powerful scripting engine in Javascript. Though useful for creating simple graphs, it is still lacking the tools to simplify the creation of bigger graphs, and also of basic graph theory algorithms for beginners. Another improvement it should have is a step by step execution system, in order to fully comprehend the algorithms and facilitate debugging.

List of Added Features

I have added the following features:

  • Path Graph Creation Tool;
  • Complete Graph Creation Tool;
  • Complete Bipartite Graph Creation Tool;
  • Random Directed Acyclical Graph Creation Tool;
  • Random Tree Creation Tool (Modified to a more well behaved random tree creation tool);
  • Script Examples:
    • Added Depth-First Search Algorithm;
    • Fixed Breadth-First Search Algorithm;
    • Added Topological Sorting Algorithm;
    • Fixed Prim Algorithm;
    • Added Kruskal Algorithm;
    • Added Dijkstra Algorithm;
    • Added Bellman-Ford Algorithm;
    • Added Floyd-Warshall Algorithm;
    • Added Bipartite Matching Algorithm.
  • Added a interface to access the debugger tools (QScriptEngineDebugger) of our main script engine (QScriptEngine). But this one may be reworked to the new QJsEngine in the future, as the classes we are using today are not present in the default Qt installation (But they can be compiled separately);
  • Added a interface to Transform Edges to remove self-edges from the graphs;
  • Miscellaneous Changes:
    • Removed the "default" edge type and created two new "unidiretional" and "bidiretional" edge types.
    • Default values for the some graph classes;
    • Variable names fixes;
    • Redundant code removal;
    • Changed the Mersenne Twister from the booster library to the standard library;
    • Fixed the Generator Seeds of the graph generator widget;
    • Changed the Topology class to static access only;
    • Added correct edge type check on the DAG and Tree creation tools;
    • Informations and time complexiy of all added script examples.



It's is possible to check what was merge and what was not in the following links. All my work can be accessed in the following Merge Requests:

About Me
