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Revision as of 05:56, 28 November 2010 by Bugsbane (talk | contribs) (An "extreme summary" of user focused new features debuting in Krita v2.3)
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The list below is *very* high level and is almost guaranteed missing some major features. Feel free to add them! That said, the general guideline for compiling this is "What new features would *users* be most interested to hear about?" Currently, this has been culled from a scan of the Krita Identi.ca dents, which in turn were user focused (142 character!) abbreviations of the Last Week in Krita posts (and a few blog posts). As such, if a feature hasn't been mentioned in a LWiK, there is an excellent chance it is missing here!

Caveats aside, here's what I have:

  • MMB Pan
  • Sketch Brush
  • Effect masks on Shape layers
  • Training image
  • shift+drag brush size
  • NG Colour Selector
  • Warp Tool
  • Canvas Rotation
  • Mirroring? (Is this completed?)
  • Scalable vector brushes? (Is it finished?)
  • Hatching Brush
  • Multithreading

Obviously any extreme speedups, or squashing of bugs that have really vexed users are worth mentioning, too. :)