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Guidelines and HOWTOs/Build from source/Windows

From KDE Community Wiki

emerge is a tool to build the KDE sources and its third-party requirements on MS Windows. It is the easy way to build KDE on MS Windows.

Setting up emerge

Setting up a compiler

Currently emerge supports both the MinGW and Microsoft Visual Studio (msvc) compiler. While MinGW is can be installed by emerge, Visual Studio must be installed independently by the user.

Direct X SDK

In order to compile the Qt5 qtbase package with MinGW you will also need to install the Microsoft DirectX SDK, make sure to open a new command line window after the installation.

Installing Emerge

  • Start a powershell environment as administrator.
  • Allow execution of powershell scripts.
 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • Exit the administrator powershell instance.
  • Start a powershell environment as a user.
  • Install emerge and folow the instructions
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KDE/emerge/master/setup/install_emerge.ps1'))

Using emerge

To use emerge you need to start a Powershell window, point that to KDEROOT\emerge and run the initalization script. For example:


This tells emerge about your environment settings (e.g. paths). It will load your configuration from KDEROOT\etc\kdesettings.ini. If there are any error messages emerge will not work as expected. The output should look similar to this one (of course with your paths):

PS C:\kderoot\emerge>.\kdeenv.ps1
KDEROOT     : C:\kderoot\emerge
KDECOMPILER : msvc2015
KDESVNDIR   : C:\kderoot\download\svn
KDEGITDIR   : C:\kderoot\download\git
DOWNLOADDIR : C:\kderoot\download
PYTHONPATH  : C:\kderoot\python

PS C:\kderoot\emerge>

Common emerge commands

  • Installing a package and its dependencies: Simply run
    emerge packagename
  • Updating an installed package: Once you have packagename built, type
    emerge -i packagename
    to update packagename.