Neon uses a Jenkins continuous integration system to build its packages
The Setup is the master server, owned by Blue Systems and administrated by KDE Sysadmins. It runs a Jenkins instance which is a Continuous Integration website at that has many jobs to build the packages and run other functions, either on demand or at pre-scheduled intervals.
The code behind build.neon is from pangea-tooling which also runs the code for DCI Debian CI, KCI Kubuntu CI, ACI Appstream CI, and MCI Mobile neon Plasma CI.
The Jenkins jobs farm off the hard build work to 4 DigitalOcean build servers.
To use the scripts to access Jenkins you will need to set ~/.config/pangea-jenkins.json
using access key available inside Jenkins to administrators.
The Jobs
The Jenkins jobs are created by running the pangea-tooling script jenkins_jobs_update_nci.rb
. This creates some manual Jobs specified in the script such as the ISO jobs but mostly uses factories to create batches of jobs based on archives.
The YAML files in [pangea-conf-projects] define what jobs get created.
For each package there is a parent MultiJob which runs some sub jobs.
parent job
this is set to checkout the relevant archive from [KDE Git] as source/ (for Developer Editions), then check out the relevant archive from [KDE neon Git] as packaging/.