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Revision as of 10:55, 12 June 2016 by Jstaniek (talk | contribs) (Restored without direct links to images, approved by Ben)

Legend: TODO, DONE, ??

Table related icons

all icons are available at https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/AJ0ELSIjLLfN3Iw for an better overview

Existing table icons in Breeze


The naming pattern for action icons (as I understand it):


"edit-" as prefix because content is changed. Then there are "format-" icons for changing the style of content. And state icons, though there is slight mix with action icons, as target state is also used with actions.

old name proposed name description state
[[1] adjustcol edit-table-column-resize-equal used for both equalize & adapt-to-content currently, should be split ?
[[2] adjustcol edit-table-column-resize-fit see above edit-table-column-resize-fit.png
[[3] adjustrow edit-table-row-resize-equal used for both equalize & adapt-to-content, should be split ?
[[4] adjustrow edit-table-row-resize-fit see above edit-table-row-resize-fit.png
[5] resizecol edit-table-column-resize ?
[6] resizerow edit-table-row-resize ?
[7] hide_table_column hide target state used with action, like "layer-visible-*" show and hide should work for that ?
[8] hide_table_row hide " ?
[9] show_table_column show " ?
[10] show_table_row show " ?
[11] cell_edit edit-table-cell used to start editing (text) content of cell, "edit" as action seems strange, just "edit-table-cell" also, better idea? edit-rename cause you rename the cell input ?
[12] cell_layout configure used to start formatting (content of) cell, see also tool_cellformatting. Or "format-table-cell"? ?
[13] insertcell edit-table-insert-cell used to insert single blank cell or multiple ones, incl. full row/column ?
[14] insertcellcopy edit-table-paste-cell for inserting cells from clipboard, moving existing ones to other positions ?
[15] mergecell edit-table-cell-merge seems existing icon is for same usecase ?
[16] mergecell-horizontal edit-table-cell-merge-horizontal used to merge all selected cells horizontal only ?
[17] mergecell-vertical edit-table-cell-merge-vertical used to merge all selected cells vertical only ?
[18] removecell edit-table-cell-delete used to remove a complete cell, resulting in other cells moving positions edit-table-cell-delete.png
[19] deletecell edit-table-cell-clear used to blank selected cells from all data and formatting ?
[20] delete_table edit-table-delete used to delete the whole table/spreadsheet ?
[21] dissociatecell use edit-table-cell-split ?
[22] selection edit-table-select-cell used both for selecting single cells and cell ranges, but single item in icon is standard? ?

Kexi has table icons, see below. Do they need different iconic language ?

  • Note (Jstaniek (talk) 07:23, 12 November 2015 (UTC)): Spreadsheets have sheets (strictly speaking); db tables are different especially when it comes to the meaning and behaviour of columns and rows. This of course does not have to be always reflected at the level of icons. Ideally we'd like to have the "Kexi table"-related actions here synced with the new table object's icon of Kexi [23].
  • Note Frinring (talk) 19:06, 13 November 2015 (UTC) I would like to see the "sheet" in "spreadsheet" not emphasized in icons, as spreadsheet-tables can be also embedded in rich-text documents or slides (as normal table), so the "sheet" would be misleading there.

Borders for multiple cells [DONE-1]

old name proposed name description state
[24] border_all format-border-set-all sets borders on all sides of all selected cells format-border-set-all.png
[25] border_inside format-border-set-internal sets borders only at sides of selected cells where neighbor is not selected format-border-set-internal.png
[26] border_outline format-border-set-external sets borders only at sides where both neighboring cells are selected format-border-set-external.png
[27] border_top format-border-set-top sets border only at the top side of the top selected cells format-border-set-top.png
[28] border_bottom format-border-set-bottom sets border only at the bottom side of the bottom selected cells format-border-set-bottom.png
[29] border_left format-border-set-left sets border only at the left side of the left selected cells format-border-set-left.png
[30] border_right format-border-set-right sets border only at the right side of the right selected cells format-border-set-right.png
[31] border_horizontal format-border-set-internal-horizontal like border_inside, but only horizontal sides format-border-set-internal-horizontal.png
[32] border_vertical format-border-set-internal-vertical like border_inside, but only verticalal sides format-border-set-internal-vertical.png
[33] border_remove format-border-set-none removes all borders on all sides of all selected cells format-border-set-none.png
[34] border_fall format-border-set-diagonal-tl-br sets diagonal line to all selected cells (topleft-bottomright) format-border-set-diagonal-tl-br.png
[35] border_up format-border-set-diagonal-bl-tr sets diagonal line to all selected cells (bottomleft-topright) format-border-set-diagonal-bl-tr.png
[36] borderpainter format-border-style??? TODO turns mouse to "painter" with current border settings, to format borders by clicking them format-border-style.png

Spreadsheet formatting icons [DONE-4]

old name proposed name description state
TODO - format-text-lowercase turns all chars lower-case format-text-lowercase.png
TODO - format-text-uppercase turns all chars upper-case format-text-uppercase.png
[37] first_letter_upper format-text-capitalize turns first letter of words uppercase format-text-capitalize.png
[38] vertical_text format-text-direction-vertical letters still horizontal, but lined in a column. not sure if format-text-direction-vertical is also for that? format-text-direction-vertical.png
[39] prec_minus format-precision-less to decrease precision of number format-precision-less.png
[40] prec_plus format-precision-more to increase precision of number %20format-precision-more.png
[41] text_top format-align-vertical-top needs text variant, blocks of align-vertical-top look strange format-align-vertical-top.png
[42] middle format-align-vertical-center " format-align-vertical-center.png
[43] text_bottom format-align-vertical-bottom " format-align-vertical-bottom.png
[44] comment edit-comment switches to edit the comment (creates one if there is none yet) edit-comment.png
[45] removecomment delete-comment delete delete-comment.png
[46] percent format-number-percent using a percent char as text does not work, because used as icon in menus format-number-percent.png
[47] money format-currency format-currency.png
[48] funct insert-math-expression "function" might be bound more to sourcecode insert-math-expression.png
[49] series insert-series?? TODO is "series" a term that makes sense outside spreadsheets? TODO
[50] multirow text-wrap?? TODO "Make the cell text wrap onto multiple lines" TODO

Path editing related icons [DONE]

Breeze has most icons here already. Though it uses the term "node" where "pathpoint" is used in Calligra. And segments (lines between neighbour nodes) are not mentioned at all in icon names. Not sure this can be kept, as 2 icons used refer to action on multiple selected nodes, filtered to those which are neighbours on the path. So for now the names proposed use the term "segment", for "format-segment-curve" and "format-segment-line". Ideas for node-only naming pattern welcome.

old name proposed name description state
[51] convert-to-path format-convert-to-path converts a shape into nodes-based path object format-convert-to-path.png
[52] pathpoint-curve format-node-curve makes node basepoint of curves format-node-curve.png
[53] pathpoint-line format-node-line makes node basepoint of lines format-node-line.png
[54] pathsegment-curve format-segment-curve makes only nodes of path segments basepoints of curves format-segment-curve.png
[55] pathsegment-line format-segment-line makes only nodes of path segments basepoints of lines format-segment-line.png
[56] pathpoint-insert format-insert-node not the same as format-add-node, node added on line in middle of two nodes, not appended format-insert-node.png
[57] pathpoint-remove format-remove-node format-remove-node.png
[58] pathpoint-join format-connect-node format-connect-node.png
[59] pathpoint-merge format-join-node format-join-node.png
[60] path-break-point format-break-node format-break-node.png
[61] path-break-segment format-disconnect-node format-disconnect-node.png
[62] pathpoint-corner format-node-corner path can enter and leave at different angles in both directions format-node-corner.png
[63] pathpoint-smooth format-node-smooth path needs to enter and leave at same angle in both directions format-node-smooth.png
[64] pathpoint-symmetric format-node-symmetric like smooth, but curve controls are equal in both directions format-node-symmetric.png

Connection line related icons

Escape directions [DONE]

Shapes can be connected with lines. The lines enter/leave the shapes on a certain side, ideally orthogonal to the surface. It can be controlled on which sides of a shape connection lines can enter/leave.

"escape-direction" is ODF lingo. Are there more common terms for this?

old name proposed name description state
[65] escape-direction-all escape-direction-all.png
[66] escape-direction-up escape-direction-up.png
[67] escape-direction-down escape-direction-down.png
[68] escape-direction-left escape-direction-left.png
[69] escape-direction-right escape-direction-right.png
[70] escape-direction-vertical escape-direction-vertical.png
[71] escape-direction-horizontal escape-direction-horizontal.png

Connection line types

old name proposed name description state
[72] lines-connector lines-connector lines-connector.png
[73] curve-connector curve-connector curve-connector.png
[74] standard-connector standard-connector standard-connector.png
[75] straight-connector straight-connector straight-connector.png

Animation related icons

Animation actions

old name proposed name description state
[76] with_previous animation-start-together used to set an animation to start with another/the one before in list ?
[?p=calligra.git&a=blob&o=plain&f=stage%2Fpics%2Fanimations%2F32-actions-after_previous.png after_previous animation-start-after used to set an animation to start after another/the one before in list ?
[77] onclick animation-start-on-click used to set an animation to start on activation by user (mouse click/touch on it) ?
[?p=calligra.git&a=blob&o=plain&f=stage%2Fpics%2Fanimations%2F32-actions-edit_animation.png edit_animation edit-animation used to start editing parameters of an animation ?