Krita/Filters State
< Krita
Filter name | Working | Preview | CSIndependence |
Auto contrast | yes | yes | full |
Blur | yes | no | full |
Brightness / Contrast | yes | yes | full |
Bumpmap | no (pending access to the layer stack) | no | full |
CImgRestoration | no (isn't even aware there is a destination device) | no | RGB16 |
Color To Alpha | no | no | full |
Color curves | no | no | full |
Convolutions (Blur...) | yes | no | full |
Cubism | yes | no | doubtfull |
Desaturate | yes | yes | full |
Emboss | yes | yes | RGB8 |
Fast Color Transfert | yes | no | LAB16 |
Gaussian Noise Filter | yes | no | full |
HSV Adjustement | yes | yes | toRGBx |
Invert | yes | yes | full |
Lens Correction | yes | no | full |
Random Noise | yes | yes | full |
Minimize channel | yes | yes | full |
Maximize channel | yes | yes | full |
Oilpaint | yes | yes | full |
Pixelize | yes | yes | doubtfull |
Rain drops | yes | no | RGB8 |
Random pick | yes | yes | full |
Round corner | yes | yes | full |
Small tiles | no (pending fix of KisPaintDevice::createThumbnailDevice) | no | full |
Sobel | yes | no | doubtfull |
Unsharp | yes | yes | full |
Wave | yes | no | full |
Wavelet Noise | yes | no | full |
Filter name | Working in 1.6 | CSIndependence | Target for inclusion in Krita |
Analogies | partially | full | never |
Binarize | yes | full | 2.2 |
Burn | yes | doubtfull | 2.2 |
Contraction | yes | full | 2.2 |
Deskew | yes | full | 2.2 |
Dither | yes | full | 2.2 |
Dodge | yes | doubtfull | 2.2 |
Expansion | yes | full | 2.2 |
Fast Gaussian Blur | yes | full | 2.0 |
Grayscalizer | yes | 8bit | 2.2 |
Image Complete | yes | RGB8 | Undefined |
Line Sampler | yes | full | 2.2 |
Perlin Noise | yes | full | 2.2 |
Pyramidal Sharpening | yes | full | 2.2 |
Swarming Noise | yes | full | 2.2 |