PIM/Akregator port
Building Akregator2
Akregator2 is developed in the akregator_port branch of the kdepim, kdepim-runtime and kdepimlibs repositories.
Running git checkout akregator_port in these three repositories is enough to build Akregator2.
The master branch is merged regularly into the akregator_port branch.
Code location
The Akregator2 related code is split between kdepimlibs, kdepim-runtime and kdepim.
- Kdepimlibs/krss contains the feed parser and the Akonadi collections handling code.
- Kdepim-runtime/resources/krsslocal is the main RSS resource.
- Kdepim-runtime/resources/tinytinyrss is an Akonadi resource to sync data from a tinytinyrss hosting site.
- Kdepim-runtime/migration/akregator is the migration tool. Please note that the existing Akregator archives are only parsed. No data will be removed.
- Kdepim-runtime/agents/nepomukfeeder/plugins/nepomukrssfeeder.* is a nepomukfeeder plugin.
- Kdepim/akregator2 is the Akonadi based Akregator program.
- Kdepim/kontact/akregator2 is the Akregator2 plugin for Kontact.
Commit policy
Only Akregator2 related commits shall be pushed in the akregator_port branch.
Any other change shall go into the master branch or into the KDE/4.xx branch for bugs fixes.
If your pending changes need to be reviewed, please use Reviewboard.
In the groups list, enter kdepim,
In the people list, enter osterfeld.
Known bugs
Most Important Issues:
- Bug 297662 - Resource crashes when going quickly through unread items.
- Bug 313751 - migrator tool stalls on the first run.
- Bug 313760 - migrator sometimes appends articles to the wrong feed.
- Bug 316376 - articles are not stored locally.
Needed features
- [TODO] Local storage for feeds. Currently, there's no local storage for Akregator2 data. (maybe use a maildir?)
- [TODO] Result of the above point, the migration tool should also handle locally stored Akregator2 data
- [TODO] basic periodic fetching (can this be implemented using CachePolicy?)
- [TODO] highlighting feeds currently fetched (in the old resource this was done using a custom dbus interface. Is that the only option? maybe use collection properties)
- [IN PROGRESS] (Alessandro) move interval fetching and archive options configuration to a resource configuration dialog