PIM/Akregator port
Building Akregator2
Akregator2 is developed in the akregator_port branch of the kdepim, kdepim-runtime and kdepimlibs repositories.
Running git checkout akregator_port in these three repositories is enough to build Akregator2.
IMPORTANT: Akregator2 will NOT replace Akregator. Both are installed and can be executed at the same time.
The master branch is merged regularly into the akregator_port branch.
Known bugs
Most Important Issues:
- Bug 297662 - Resource crashes when going quickly through unread items.
- Bug 313751 - migrator tool stalls on the first run.
- Bug 313760 - migrator sometimes appends articles to the wrong feed.
- Bug 316376 - articles are not stored locally.
Needed features
- [TODO] basic periodic fetching (can this be implemented using CachePolicy?)
- [TODO] highlighting feeds currently fetched (in the old resource this was done using a custom dbus interface. Is that the only option? maybe use collection properties)
- [IN PROGRESS] (Alessandro) move interval fetching and archive options configuration to a resource configuration dialog