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Krita/Docs/Predefined Zoom Shortcuts

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 08:29, 23 June 2015 by Eiko Yumi (talk | contribs)
Action Krita MyPaint Gimp Blender[1]
Zoom 12.5% Shift+4 Numpad 8
Zoom 25% Shift+3 Numpad 4
Zoom 50% Shift+2 Numpad 2
Zoom 100% 1 F12[2][3] 1 Numpad 1
Fit Page 2 F10 Shift+Ctrl+J F
Fit Page Width 3


  1. In UV/Image view mode.
  2. Actually: "Reset and Center"
  3. "Reset Zoom" is not defined by default, but can be set as a custom shortcut. MyPaint allows to reset zoom to the default level, which is configurable in program options.