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Kexi/Porting to Qt&KF 5

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 14:28, 28 July 2014 by Jstaniek (talk | contribs) (Links)


Draft. Based on notes from the Calligra 2014 Sprint. Each step leads to compiling (running?) state.
Started by jstaniek (talk) 19:06, 7 July 2014 (CET).

  1. Port Predicate lib to Qt 5
  2. Move koproperty lib to a separate repo, make it Qt-only and port to Qt5
  3. Move koreport lib to a separate repo, make it Qt-only and port to Qt 5
    1. Remove scripting or port scripting?
  4. Port Kexi (without KexiDB, reporting, KoReport) to Qt 5 and port Kexi to Predicate and the new koproperty/koreport
    1. Porting report scripting to a simple QtScript solution to keep backward compatibility with Kexi 2
    2. Remove then unused calligradb lib and parts of kexidb lib
  5. Improve Kexi stability after porting
  6. -- Kexi 3.0 release here --
  7. Make koreport lib dependent on Predicate and remove code/API that becomes redundant (e.g. KoReportData)
  8. Add a new QtScript-based scripting module
  9. Use the module in Kexi Reports too, keeping backward compatibility with Kexi 2 scripting
