Calligra/Contributing a Patch
< Calligra
This page describes how one can send a contributed patch for discussion to the Calligra developers.
Quick Links:
Create a patch
In order to create a patch with git:
- in your branch: git diff branchname > filename
- from master: git diff master > filename
Submit it to review board
If you are new to Calligra development you should almost always submit your patch to Calligra on KDE's review board. But some code needs to be reviewed even if it is created by long time core developers. If you are unsure check out the rules of the review board.
- Log in to the review board. It is using the KDE identity (if you do not have an account, you can get one from KDE identity, it is open to everyone)
- Click on "New Review Request"
- In Repository field, choose calligra
- In Diff field select the patch you want to upload
- Optionally: in Parent Diff field, give a patch that needs to be applied before yours (this is only needed if the patch is based on an other patch from reviewboard or on a branch different from master)
- Click the "Create Review Request" button
- Fill the Branch, Summary, Description, and Testing done fields
- Add "calligra" in the Groups field
- Optionally: add specific people to the People field
- Don't forget to press "Publish" button at the top of the page. You can do this later, when you're ready. Edited fields are saved for you.
For previous requests, see also the old KOffice SVN reviewboard page.