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LibKPeople is a contact aggregation library for KDE.

It is *not* a KTp specific library, we are simply the first adopters as well as the developers so the wiki page is here for the time being. This page is about the libkpeople changes needed to make a release of KTp with libkpeople support.

Big discussions about libkpeople should CC the pim mailing list.

Setting up

Install libkpeople (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/network/libkpeople) Install ktp-nepomuk-service (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/network/telepathy/ktp-nepomuk-service)

start the nepomuk service either by logging out/in or by running "nepomukservicestub nepomuktelepathyservice"

Install and run ktp-contactlist branch mklapetek/kpeople

You may also want to install PersonViewer a tool to view all contact information from all sources (http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fmklapetek%2FPersonViewer.git)



Status Summary Notes Claimed By
TODO Add KPeople namespace
TODO Restore updates on presence change
TODO Remove unused / commented out code
TODO Add dialog for finding duplicates
IN PROGRESS Add Dialog to view PersonData (see PersonViewer) in mck182 scratch [mailto:[email protected]
 <[email protected]


TODO Add widget to PersonViewer to view associated websites
TODO Port away from QStandardItemModel It's slow and won't be accepted by PIM
TODO Fix crash
TODO Rename examples I have no idea which example is which view-person-list and view-person-list-qml might be better
IN PROGRESS Fix tests [mailto:[email protected]
 <[email protected]


TODO Cache sub-resources in PersonsData

PIM Demos

Status Summary Notes Claimed By

KTp Stuff

Status Summary Notes Claimed By
TODO Move KTp plugins to k-ci-i
TODO Add PersonData method to KTp::ContactsModel runtime switch from libkpeople or not.
TODO Add PersonData method to KTp::Contact
TODO KTp Contact has helper methods to get name + avatar for person
TODO KTp ContactFactory can get personData as a feature on load, otherwise use Tp stuff.
TODO Fix the singleton AccountManager problem I don't know how many times I've shouted at people about the problem with using AM as a singleton.. and now we've done it in libkpeople. Brilliant.
TODO Restore Grouping

Public API Review

Below are a list of issues, please resolve (either by fixing or discussing) then remove from this list

The list of public classes are:

  • PersonsModel
  • AbstractPersonsPlugin
  • BasePersonsDataSource
  • DuplicatesFinder
  • Match
  • MatchesSolver
  • PersonActionsModel
  • PersonsPluginManager
  • PersonData

Anything else in the main lib is private and thus I don't care.


Why is addContactsToPerson async but removeContactsFromPerson syncronous?

ResoureWatcher does something for IM accounts that doesn't seem needed anymore

Why is addContact/addPerson public? A dev using this can accidentally fuck up the model by calling them. ResourceWatcher can be a friend class if needed. contactForIMAccount should definitely NOT be public, as otherwise ContactItem needs to be.

The code says: "//FIXME: for some reason we get most of the contacts twice in the resultset," What's happening is we run a query "SELECT Distinct ?contactURI ?emailAddressForThisContact" If we have a contact with 2 email addresses, we get the same contact URI twice once for each new email address. (email addresses are just one example, it applies to all things fetched) Current code as far as I can tell, will ignore/hide the second email address. If we're going to do that, we can just simplify the query and make it faster too..or we should try and fix it properly

Why does indexForUri go searching recursively through all the indexes comparing them in turn when we have a frickin' hash table of everything indexed by Uri!

What is the peopleAdded signal for? It's not called each time a person is added, only when initial query finishes. I can imagine a signal that says when initial population is complete is useful. Calling it something that is confusing/wrong is not. I'm not sure whether this should be renamed to fix it, or emitted in more places to fix it.

Why is there duplicate detection stuff in the middle of this? It wraps DuplicatesFinder and turns the result URIs into indexes. but why? All the core methods work on URIs anyway, so this just ends up with us having an option to go to indexes and back for no reason at all.

Roles need sorting as per discussion in Pineda

Why does the model DisplayName use nao:PrefLabel and PersonData use something else? (probably PersonData is wrong here) PersonData uses NCO::fullname then NCO::hasIMAccount->NCO::imNickname then NCO::hasContactMedium->genericLabel We don't want to show different things

Why is query() a slot invoked through QMetaObject? I assume there's a clever sensible reason, I don't know what it is, so it needs documenting please

I /think/ if you call removeContactsFromPerson that contact is now not in the model, not inserted as a contact anywhere.

Misc thought: createPersonFromContacts et al, don't actually use the model. Can/Should these be moved elsewhere? Is there a case for calling it without the model?