< KDEEdu
Sprint in Randa (Edu part)
Work method: Every morning, we will meet all together and present what we achieved the previous day and what we plan for the day.
Please bring a pair of confortable shoes as we'll go walking around in the beautiful nature every day!
Introduction - People and their apps
Seems like a nice tradition, everyone gets a few minutes to say hi. Even if you don't have a particular app or topic, please enter your name here, so we can count on you :)
- Anne-Marie - Meeting Introduction
- Frederik - Parley
- Aleix Pol - KAlgebra
- Tomaz Canabrava - Rocs
- Alexandre Freitas - Graphics
- Bèrto 'd Sèra + Sabine Eller - contents and programming for less resourced languages
- Jeremy Whiting - KAnagram, app accessibility
- Lydia Pintscher: introduction to KDE-Edu branding
- Thorsten Rahn: Marble
- Bastian Holst: Marble
- Daniel Laidig: Parley
- Patrick Spendrin: KDE-Edu on Windows
- Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuas: a math lib in KDE-Edu
- Etienne Rebetez: patches, new ideas, ...
Workshops & Goals
Title | Description | Who |
Edu-Vision | Where we are, where do we want to go, new ideas and a vision definition... | Lydia leading, everyone |
OnlineSocialThingys (talk) | using GetHotNewStuff in your app, becoming social with open collaboration services and world domination without marble (tentative title) | Frederik presenting, everyone |
Rocs Improvements and improving old edu apps | redo rocs api to use QAnimation and Kross, help port old KDE 4 code to the new Qt API and maybe gluon. | Tomaz |
New and improved Graphics | Gonna take a look in default graphics and try to improve them. | Alexandre Freitas ( Tomaz's graphics / promo guy ) |
Languages, less resourced | Considering languages when programming, how to get contents for educational applications and their translations | Bèrto 'd Sèra, Sabine Emmy Eller (Vox Humanitatis) |
Math lib | Sharing code between KAlgebra, KmPlot. KmPlot future | Percy, Aleix, Annma |
Website | content: future versus userbase and techbase - design: switching to the new layout, defining our identity | Lydia, Alexandre, Annma |
KDE-Edu on netbooks | Mario will bring his netbook with 4.4. Take each app and see how it works.
kiosk and KAuth scope. Plasma Edu activity (chat with Nuno) |
Mario, Frederik, Annma, Tomaz, everyone? |
Gluon and Phonon presentations | Take profit from the multimedia people to learn about using Phonon in our apps. Let's see what Gluon can bring in term of Edu games. | to be defined with Phonon and Gluon teams (sandsmark and leinir) |
KTouch => define JJ | GUI work: redesign crowded dialogs and too big ones | Annma, Leinir |
KVTML format: | See how to improve it, work with Vox Humanitatis people to create files, to create scripts to manage between different formats. | Sabine, Bèrto, Frederik, Annma, Jeremy, Daniel |
Free content: Wikipedia, Ambaradan (for terminology and phrases), Shtooka (pronunciation), Commons (pictures), others? | How to integrate more content in our programs (pics in KHangMan, KLettres, Parley, ...), sounds?, ... | Annma |
Geolocation | Presentation - future usage | Marble people |
Important: If you plan to participate, please enter your information here: Community Wiki