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Directory Structure

  • QML files have the .qml suffix go into ui/ they use CamelCase in their filename.
  • Javascript files have the .js suffix and go into code/
  • If and only if we are in a qml-only plasmoid, the javascript files should be imported with the following keyword:
  import "plasmapackage:/code/Foo.js" as Foo

This way becomes easier to have device-specific qml files, while keeping a single copy of the javascript code.

JS Code Blocks

For all Javascript code blocks follow the kdelibs code style and must validate when passed through JSLint. This means spaces around operators, if/else on same line as braces, four space indentation (not tabs) etc, see techbase.


QML Item declarations follow this pattern:

Item { // brace on same line
    // line indentation
    id: topLevelItem // the id, if any, is the first line

    // Geometry properties
    // grouped propertes as anchors should be in this notation,
    // unless there is only one property
    anchors {
        fill: parent
        rightMargin: 6

    // Signals
    signal somethingJustHappened

    // Properties of this item
    property bool foo

    // Property aliases
    property alias bar : actual.property

    // Properties defined by Item class, except geometry properties
    someProperty: 123

    // Data models, including Plasma.DataSources
    model: { }

    // all on* change functions
    onFooChanged: fooFunction()
    onSomePropertyChanged: { // brace on same line as these use the "name:" style
        fooFunction(); // in blocks, kdelibs style, including semicolons at EOL

    // all functions
    function fooFunction()
    { // open brace on its OWN line
        // code goes here; kdelibs style

    function barFunction()
        // note the newline between this function and the one above it

    // all non-UI sub-items, such as timers
    Timer {
        id: timer
        interval: 100
        onTriggered: fooFunction()

    // all UI sub-items
    Item {
        anchors.fill: parent

    Item {
        // note the newline between items
        id: secondItem

    // all components
    Component {
        id: firstComponent

    Component {
        // note the newline between components
        id: secondComponent

    // States
    states: [
        State {
            name: firstState
            // changes

        State {
            name: secondState
    ] // states

    // Transitions
    transitions: [
            Transition {
                from: "foo"
                to: "bar"
                // transition definition
            Transition {
                from: "foo"
                to: "bar"
                // transition definition
    ] // transitions

    // the "onCompleted" function goes last, as befits the name
    Component.onCompleted: {
        // if multi-line block, brace goes on same line due to "name:" style of declaration
} // topLevelItem: for items with considerable contents, comment the last } with what it matches