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Revision as of 10:56, 15 October 2012 by Mamarok (talk | contribs) (Copy page from old wiki)
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Precompiled binaries for your operating system may be available for download. Please, select yours to see what you have to do to enjoy Amarok.

Linux Distributions, BSD, other Unixes


<tbody> </tbody>
       <a href="./Download:Kubuntu">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/b/b3/Kubuavy.png" />
(K)ubuntu </a>
       <a href="./Download:SUSE">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/5/55/Distro_suse_64.png" height="64px" />
openSUSE </a>
       <a href="./Download:Fedora">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/6/6e/Distro_fedora_64.png" />
Fedora </a>
       <a href="./Download:Debian">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/b/ba/Distro_debian_64.png" />
Debian </a>
       <a href="./Download:Mandriva">
         <img src="Distro_mandriva_64.png" />
Mandriva Linux </a>
       <a href="./Download:Gentoo">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/5/52/Distro_gentoo_64.png" height="48px" />
Gentoo </a>
       <a href="./Download:Arch">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/1/17/Distro_arch_48.png" />
Arch </a>
       <a href="./Download:Ark_Linux">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/1/12/Distro_ark_48.png" />
Ark Linux </a>
       <a href="./Download:Pardus">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/8/89/Distro_pardus_64.png" height="48px"/>
Pardus </a>
       <a href="./Download:NetBSD">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/d/d4/NetBSD.png" height="50px"/>
NetBSD </a>
       <a href="../wiki/Download:Exherbo">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/6/69/Exherbo.png" height="48px" />
Exherbo </a>
       <a href="./Download:Chakra">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/1/1a/Distro_chakra.png" height="64px"/>
Chakra </a>
       <a href="./Download:Various">
         <img src="/amarokwiki/images/4/4c/Distro_freebsd_48.png" />
Other (FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.) </a>


Other operating systems


<tbody> </tbody>
       <a href="./Download:Mac_OS">
         <img src="Amarok_download_icon_osx.png" width="64" height="64" />
Mac OS </a>
       <a href="./Download:Windows">
         <img src="Amarok_download_icon_windows_normal.png" width="64" height="64" />
Microsoft Windows </a>


Sources (official)


<tbody> </tbody>
       <a href="./Download:Source">
         <img src="Distro_src.png" width="32" height="32" />
Source Tarballs </a>
       <a href="./2.0_Development_HowTo">
         <img src="Git.png" />


