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Commit Digest/Bugs and wishes

From KDE Community Wiki

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Add the bugs you find that Danny is unaware of here (also send an email to danny AT commit-digest _DOT_ org so I know about it!):


  • add a "DIGEST" tag, allowing developers to highlight interesting commits
  • link Git commits to the corresponding entries in projects.kde.org (e.g. [1] to allow for seeing the details of the commit)

Danny's ToDo List

Many of these will only mean something to Danny, but here are the things on his personal Enzyme todo list:

  • "hide section" support
  • add "remove" bit for classifiers
  • add disable logins button
  • add feature articles to dot announce
  • add opt in / out checkbox for review filtering (and setting to allow / disallow this!)
  • cache commit path filters, delete cache on update
  • change success:false to login:false if not logged in, then prompt relogin
  • commit overview (diffs, etc) for Git commits
  • integrate linked diffs to https://projects.kde.org/
  • decrement repositories counter display on remove
  • email to dot-editors on publish
  • feed for num commits
  • fix setup
  • green border on save where possible
  • improvements to sorting, jump to new item in features UI
  • link detection in commit messages
  • log digests UI removes, create deleted when we also create messages
  • more sophisticated commits apportioning system, based on number of people logged in
  • possible html rendering escaping issue in reviewui (see van loon email)
  • support DIGEST, FEATURE tag (marco: not sure FEATURE should be supported, e.g., the plasma guys seem to use the keyword to point out new internal API functions/methods which often are not too interesting for a wider audience)
  • support SSL flag for imap in setup UI
  • warn if there are commits still to be reviewed/classified for digest date