28th birthday
KDE will celebrate its 28th Anniversary on October 14, 2024.
We would like you to host an event in your city during the month of October 2024. It can be a small get-together or a grand affair, or you can just meet over beverages and share pictures with us afterwards, of course there is no need to celebrate the same day.
- Date: 26/10/24
- Time: 11:00 - 12:00
- Place: IBM India Software Lab, Brigade World Trade Center, Infopark, Kochi, India (https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1095581943)
- Organizer: Kochi FOSS group (Matrix: #kochifoss:matrix.org, Telegram: @KochiFOSS)
- Other info:
- Kochi FOSS group organizes monthly meetups, we're gonna include a small celebration of KDE's 28 years in our October meetup
- Since the event is inside Infopark, because of security issues we need a list of people attending beforehand, please join our communication groups in Matrix/Telegram/XMPP to register for the meetup
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
- Subin Siby (<mail [at] subinsb [dot] com>)
- Vysakh Premkumar
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- What are we doing?
- Showcasing our usage of KDE products
- Have a group lunch afterwards the meetup
- Date: 2024.10.14. Monday
- Time: around 18:00, TBD
- Place: Hackerspace Budapest
1056 Budapest, Bástya utca 12 Map/Térkép
- Organizer: mugli, aronkvh
- Who is coming?
- Áron (aronkvh)
- Links:
- What are we doing?
- talking about KDE I guess
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An example of how you need to enter the information is given below :
- Date: DD/MM/YY (preferably within two weeks of the anniversary)
- Time: 00:00 - 00:00
- Place: Venue, City, Country (link to map)
- Organizer: ABC (email)
- Other info:
- About Food/Beverages
- Who is coming? (Add yourself here if you want to come!)
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- What are we doing?
- have a few drinks
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