Kexi/Junior Jobs/Map Browser Form Widget
< Kexi | Junior Jobs
Map browser widget is a
- Kexi Forms: one of Kexi core plugins, provided for handling form-based data entry and browsing. A form is consisted of widgets, possibly nested. The implementation of Kexi froms is independent of the Qt Designer forms but similar in many regards. The differences most visible to the user are:
- definitions of kexi forms are stored in the kexi project, i.e. databaseeven if in the future, exporting to separate file could be provided);
- kexi forms offer data-aware widgets, e.g. text boxes, that can be bound to database table or query fields.
- Kexi form widgets and factories: building blocks of kexi forms, e.g. buttons, text boxes. Technically, kexi widgets can be instantiated through Kexi widget plugins, so called factories. Each widget is of a given class, named using identifier (unique within the whole kexi session). One widget factory can be capable of creating widget instances of one or more classes. Kexi has currently two built-in factories: standard factory and container factory (these would be finally merged into one since there is no point in separation). Built-in factory means that it is always available in the default kexi build and should be thus present in properly packaged kexi application.
The Goal
Design and implement extra "Map Browser" widget compatible with Kexi Forms.