Plasma/Plasma 6.0 Release notes
< Plasma
New Tars
- kglobalacceld
- ocean-sound-theme
- plasma5support
Tars Moved From Frameworks
These will now follow the Plasma releases and version numbers
- kactivities
- kactivities-stats
- plasma-framework
- kwayland
Tars Moved From KDE Gear
This needs to be re-versioned to the lower 6.0
- print-manager
Tars Moved From Independent Releases
- wacomtablet
Dropped Tars
- khotkeys
- plasma-bigscreen
- plank-player
- aura-browser
- plasma-remotecontrollers
We would welcome maintenance of Plasma Bigscreen to port it to Qt 6
Renamed Tars
kgamma5 is now kgamma
Qt 5 only
- kwayland-integration remains Qt 5 only as its features have been moved into kwindowsystem, this is still released and should still be packaged for compatibility with Qt 5 apps.
Dependencies which need new versions
KDE bits
- Phonon and Phonon-vlc - needs Phonon 4.12 and Phonon-vlc 0.1 which build for both Qt 5 and 6 at the same time
- libqaccessibilityclient - needs 0.5.0 for Qt 6 (Qt 5 builds can be dropped)
- kuserfeedback - needs 1.3.0 built for Qt 6 (and Qt 5 if you want it for Ruqola)
- kirigami-addons - needs 0.11.75 built for Qt 6
- polkit-qt-1 - needs new version built twice for Qt 5 and 6 - TODO release
- plasma-wayland-protocols - use latest release 1.11
External Bits
- Appstream 1.0 is needed for Qt6 support. This means current main branch for now since 1.0 is not released
- kdsoap Qt5/Qt6 is not fully coinstallable
- libaccounts-qt, signond, signon-plugin-oauth2, and signon-ui are need changes for Qt6 support. MRs are pending. Meanwhile a fork of libaccounts-qt, signond, signon-plugin-oauth2, signon-ui can be used
- Enabling libproxy in Qt: This can/should already be enabled in the build options downstream. Without it KIO/KDE apps doesn't handle proxy config
- PackagekitQt - use an up to date release built for Qt 6
- SDDM - distros may want to consider packaging SDDM from Git for use with Plasma 6 alpha which has a Qt 6 port, this is not required but allows to use the latest theming
- xdg-utils needed a change to support KDE_SESSION_VERSION=6. A new release is needed
New Depedencies
- xwaylandvideobridge - while not a strict dependency this allows for Screensharing Wayland apps
PAM configuration
To enable simultaneous password+fingerprint authentication on the lock screen, PAM configuration files need to be adjusted. The TL;DR version is to just copy the GNOME/GDM ones, which will now work for KDE's lock screen too. See for details.
Please review the Frameworks/6.0_Release_notes for coinstallability with KDE Frameworks 5. Distros can ship both KF5 and KF6 versions of Plasma Framework, the KF5 version should be built to not have clashing files.
- plasma-framework: -DBUILD_DESKTOPTHEMES=OFF