< Kexi
diggy: TODO
From [1]
- Implement Detach Window
- "New Window" - creates new empty kexi main window with prj navigator and tabbed toolbar
- Detach tab - do the same as in "New Window", close current tab and open it in the new window; never destroy the object's view but just reparent
- Attach tab - close the tab in the "New Window", if the new window is empty, close it, attach the tab to place it was attached to before; never destroy the object's view but just reparent
- Split function for any view; vertical, horizontal; start with internal (in view, per view); consider external one
- Split View, as in Kate's View menu: Previous Split View Shift+F8; Next Split View F8; Split Vertical CTRL+Shift+L; Split Horizontal CTRL+Shift+H; Close Current View CTRL+Shift+R; needs synchronisation when data is changed and filters are applied
- Dual View: Split View with Table or Query on top and related Autoform below - when launched from table or query; Split View with Form on top and related Table view below - when launched from form
diggy: DONE
- Full screen; F11
- Quick bugfix: RMB menu should be related to clicked tab, not always the active one
piggz: TODO
piggz: DONE
shreya: TODO
- init GCI task
shreya: DONE
- Send Sprint minutes to jstaniek
staniek: TODO
- Check how multicore arch could be used to optimize sqlite use in Kexi; issue:
- Re-use Krita/Mac knowledge/scripts for Kexi/Mac (from Boud)
- Re-use Krita (Lime) for Ubuntu/openSUSE build recipes for Kexi packages (from Dmitry Kazakov)
- Publish the FAQ created by answering a "Request information about Kexi" from Jan 24 2014 (anonymously)
- Contact the Open Knowledge Foundation regarding direct support for Frictionless Data in Kexi.
- Add bugs/wishes based on:
- <bcooksley> jstaniek: I fixed the predicate plugin installation issue, but then ran into this test failure instead -
- Update
- Update kexi icons for
- verify uses of QComboBox::setEditText() in kexi
- Move KexiTableViewData to calligradb and port BibliographyTableModel to it[2]
- (UX) Kexi Theme idea [3]
- (UX) Increase use of Mega Menus pattern in Kexi
- (UX) Add some unconventional introduction or greeting for empty states or errors in the Kexi startup views, see [4]
- Provide MessageHandler tool suitable globally for calligra (starting by moving it out of Kexi) and port Calligra to it: [5]
- Blog about:
- News for Awesome icons
- QtScript
- The meaning of FOSS sponsoring
- Kexi 2.7 development
- Add support for "About content" in [6]
- Implement Font Awesome binding for a KDE icon theme [7]
- Fix Bug #307334 "Incorrect sorting in table view"
- Report bug: long text subtype does not work.
- Duplicated cmake messages in Calligra 2.5 (WPDx2, WPGx3) [8]
- Find one significant feature for every Calligra app (for the tour)
- Present it with nice text and screenshot (help from Inge)
- Fix Bug #265330 "combo box does not show all the rows"
- Add workaround for autofields regression
- 2.5: <from diggy> Since you are doing that, if you have time can you also enforce length in statement exec [kexidb] so that the user cannot override the length property when updating data from a query?
- Publish screenshots and screencasts for Kexi 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
- More FoCSS2 blogs:
- reuse transliteration from ICU [9]
- Fix Bug #278392 - Editing a query should be allowed ONLY using design OR only SQL not both
- Helping Stuart to build Kexi on Windows
- Update screenshots/screencasts at
- Find an easy way to reuse access to Adam's server to showcase a simple public service in the blog
- Renew "create" icons using green (+)
- Prepare 2.4 Final banner(s)
- Prepare Calligra Engine artwork ported to the new logo
- inspiration: [11]
- integration libprison into reports, then forms; contact svuorela
staniek: DONE
- Fix CSV Crash: Bug #279980
- Fix Bug #255304 Crash and error when selecting ascending order in a query field
- Fix Wish #278052 Kexi allows creation of table with reserved words as field names
- Fix crash on db compacting when ~/foo/bar/kexi file was opened from command line
- Request Kexi forum at
- Fix Import to table in Kexi ignores setting of "ignore multiple delimiters"
- Fix Query SQL generated in the Query designer should be of KEXISQL type
- Work on redesign of the front page
- Marketing approach - rant
- Web page inspirations: iWork, MSO for mac, Pixelmator
- Fix unicode collations
- add dep on ICU
- Write blog entry: Integration idea: Shared Calligra Themes
- Create two mockups showing synergy between Kexi and Words
- Calligra branding for Kexi menu
- ODP template with Calligra logo for Inge, test with Calligra-intro.odp
- Write blog entry: Eating our dog food
- Fix bug with recent Kexi files storage and opening (reported by piggz)
- Finish review of proofreading Kexi i18n messages by Stephanie Das Gupta
- remove strings referring to IDEAl and commit to master (Monday)
- Update screenshots at
- update changelog for kexi beta 4 [12]
- update changelog for kexi beta 3 [13]
- fix windows compilation bugs for Kexi
- More logo guidelines work [14]
- Send info on missing Handbook items compared to the Polish Handbook (to Dimitrios)
- Find files for d-pointer-ing (Code-in tasks for Shreya)
- Write blog entry: Introduction to Kexi [15]
- More logo guidelines work [16]
- Code-in tasks for Shreya
- Logo Guidelines Draft 3 published [17]
wicik: TODO
- Learn QTest and start implementing tests for predicate library.
- Implement asynchronous marble maps.
wicik: DONE
Oleg: TODO
Finish Forms porting to Qt4
Oleg: DONE
- implement KexiDBDatePicker
- fix BUG301109
- implement KexiDBCommandLInkButton, KexiDBSlider and KexiDBProgressBar