The Financial Plan
Financial Support
KDE e.V. will provide financial assistance to the groups/members of the KDE Network (hereinafter referred to as THE MEMBERS)
What is covered?
The members can request financial support for the following:
- Attending events in which the members will be representing KDE.
- FOSS events
- Talk/presentation at a local university.
- Any other forum that requires KDE to be represented.
- Marketing material (brochures, flyers, stickers. T-shirts, badges, renting audio-visual aids, banners etc.) for the promotion.
- Travel costs: flight tickets, train tickets, travel to and from the airport, etc.
- Accommodation: hostel, hotel, Airbnb etc.
- Transport cost to the venue if the event is happening within the same city.
How can members apply?
- For participating at any event, the members should consult and send a formal request to the advisory committee with the financial assistance required. Ideally, with an estimated cost.
- The formal request should be submitted and approved before the event.
- The following details should be included in the request:
- The name, date, details, and location of the event.
- Purpose/scope of the event.
- How will KDE benefit from this event?
- Names of all of the people participating.
- Marketing material required for the promotion. Along with any leftover stock or reusable materials available from past events.
- Whether travelling, accommodation, and transport is required or not.
Reimbursement Process
- After approval of the formal requests by the advisory committee. Members can request to the committee to directly pay the expenses if members are not able to pay the money upfront.
- Members should follow the KDE e.V.’s reimbursement policy:
Additional Information
- Members should maintain an inventory before and after the event and should submit it to the committee.
- Note that KDE e.V. supports environmentally-friendly trips, e.g. public transport should be used rather than taxis, trains should be used rather than flights etc.
- Coach and/or Economy Airfare is the only acceptable class for all flights.
- KDE e.V. will not reimburse for excess baggage and any costs except the room charges. The following is a non-exhaustive list of what is not included:
- Room service
- Upgraded options to include breakfast with the room
- Minibar purchases
- Additional services that the hotel provides including but not limited to laundry, spa charges, movie rentals etc.
- Gratuities for hotel staff or other service professionals
- Expenses covering meals will not be reimbursed.