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Calligra/Meetings/Begin 2011 meeting/Ideas

From KDE Community Wiki

Tell here about things you want to discuss, so that we can prepare an agenda.

Please add yourself as an 'owner' of an idea and prepare something if applicable to make optimal use of our time. Indicates what you want to be developed in a general session (on Saturday), or in a BoF (on Sunday)

General Session

  • plugins: there are several issues or lacking aspect in Calligra's plugins. (Cyrille)
    • First of all right now loading an applications tends to drag a lot of other applications stuff, for instance "the spread sheet shape" which is loaded by many application also load kspread. A solution would be to load shape-on-demand, this trigger a problem with shapes that share the same tag in an ODF file and need some way to know which shape to use (solution could be two c++ plugin, one with a factory one with the shape/tool, or if we can define which shape to use using a text description (like it is done by mimetype definitions) or a small js)
    • UI for enabling/disabling plugin, shapes should probably allways be available for loading a document, but might be hidden in the UI
  • release cycle: keep a 6 month schedule ? go for a three features release cycle per year + 1 long-term-support ? allways summer in trunk ? IE define a new workflow. (Cyrille)


  • plans for plugins could be discussed in more details by a smaller group of people (Cyrille)