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Windows/Build/Building DBus

From KDE Community Wiki

Be sure you've installed win32libs!

Download the latest winDBus sources (which are already patched) and extract them into "C:\svn\windbus" or get the latest svn sources.

cd c:\svn\windbus
patch -p0 < DBus-win32.patch
cd ..
mkdir windbus-build
cd windbus-build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 8 2005" ..\windbus\cmake\

(use -G "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003" for the older compiler)

dbus.sln solution file will be created. Build and install the Debug and Release builds with the IDE. You can switch between the Debug and Release configuration in the Build -> Configuration Manager menu.

Tip: to perform compilation and installation from the command line, type:

devenv /build Debug /project INSTALL dbus.sln
devenv /build Release /project INSTALL dbus.sln

Default target for the installation is %PROGRAMFILES%\dbus.