< KDevelop
Randa 2011 KDevelop Meeting
- get up with an agenda
requirements for plugins in extragear/kdevelop/*:
- kdereview
- maintainer
- releasable
- unit tests (and none failing)
plugins to merge:
- kdevplatform/
- controlflowgraph
- TODO: investigate status, get out of kdereview
- execute script
- TODO: investigate status, get into kdereview
- controlflowgraph
- kdevelop/
- qmake
- TODO: Milian: investigate status, get into kdereview
- qmake
- kdevelop/plugins/
- merge php/php-docs
- TODO: Milian
- css
- TODO: investigate status, get into kdereview
- execute browser
- TODO: investigate status, get into kdereview
- xdebug
- TODO: investigate status, get into kdereview
- merge php/php-docs
notes on /plugins:
- not a single big repo (devs against it)
- TODO: document easy "build-all" process on techbase
note for developers: kdevplatform API breakages must be fixed in every stable repo, i.e. everything in https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/kdevelop must be compiling
Build Bot & Unit Testing
- TODO: Get a build bot running
- either on every commit (much work)
- or at least once a day (single to implement)
- TODO: Get a unit test bot running
- requirements:
- no failing unit tests (XFAIL is OK)
- no agressive performance tests (time limit, memory limit, ...)
- requirements:
- TODO: investigate cdash
- kdelibs dashboard is down, not a good impression
- TODO: ask PovAddict on his experience with build bot + unit tests
- try to rebase gluoncreator on kdevplatform
- put improvements into the platform
- plugin based diff-viewer (i.e. to compare designer files, images, ...)
- improved history viewer (timeline, ...)
- alternatively try to reuse parts of kdevplatform in gluoncreator
- problem: kdevplatform (rightly so!) expect full kdevplatform availability
- wrap up & leave home
Discussion TODO
not so controversial
- [DONE] merge control flow into kdevplatform
- [DONE] merge qmake into kdevelop
- [DONE] extra-plugins module: css, execute-script, execute-browser, andreas' custom project manager, ...
- gluon integration
- browser-like tabs
- welcome page
- drag&drop
- merge aliex's thesis work
very controversial
- destroy areas
- chromium-like UI
- remove/disable/fix failing unit tests
- discuss browser-like tabs, presentation by niko?
- discuss plasma-welcome-page, presentation by aleix?
- look at/merge: controlflowgraph, valgrind, qmake, css, executescript, executebrowser
- discuss close view on delete file, rename view on rename file
- fix QWarnings (esp. timer issues etc.)
- discuss switching branch -> reload files
- extend drag'n'drop support (esp. toolviews, ...)
- go through review requests
- port mailing list to kde infrastructure
- pluginsmodule
- website contents
- promotion stuff
- krunner (session)
- extended cli support (open in existing instance)
- extended dbus interface