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Project Elegance/Notification Study

From KDE Community Wiki



Notifications are an important feature that help users maintain awareness of multiple systems, but also the root of a major annoyance on the desktop. The proposed Elegance project describes a small user study to help collect data and understand what types of notifications are better than others.

Creation Date 28-September-2010
Status Proposal
Maintainers Celeste Lyn Paul (seele) - Design

Matthew Rogers (mattr) - Development


This is a detailed description of your proposal. Include as much detail as possible. The following questions should be answerable by anyone who reads this:

  • What is the problem this project tries to solve?
  • What is the scope of this project (how big or small is the effect?)
  • Who are the primary users and how will they benefit?
  • How is this solution better than other solutions (what we have now and how other projects solve the problem)
  • How will it effect other parts of KDE?

Related Work

References to related research or other projects that will back up your proposal.

  • If this is a list of links to publications, they should be referenced in the detailed description
  • Alternatively, this can be an annotated citation list (short 2-3 word summary of relevant conclusion of each paper), or a literature review summary itself (with relevant citations listed at the end)


Discussion and details of the design of the proposal. This includes workflows, UI mockups, graphics, interface guidelines, interface proposals, usability testing and results, etc.

Detailed description of user requirements and needs will also go here, including any workflow or UI details specific to user groups.


Project repository: [[1]]

Affected Modules*

Which parts of KDE's software are affected? Which should definitely be part of the implementation process? Provide a short description here and then list out the primary and secondary modules in detail. This may be related to scope: if so, be sure to explain.

Primary Modules

Name of module Description of changes
KHotNewStuff Default icon changed from favicon to khns

Secondary Modules

Name of module Description of changes
KHangMan Icon on Get New Puzzles button should be updated to use khns icon

Project Timeline*


Milestone name Milestone description Assigned to Status
Notification Study Software Create survey UI for the notification survey mattr In Progress


Milestone name Milestone description Assigned to Status


Please use the talk page to discuss this proposal.