This is my notepad. I store some of my ideas here. Please feel free to comment and edit them. Your comments and additions are more then welcome. Contact me if you need assistance or if you are not sure where to start of if you are on the right way. I know your contributions will be great! Just begin and send your work before it is perfect.
Marketing ideas for KDE
KDE 4 Everyone
The plan is to analyze the needs / challenges / problems of different target group segments and to show them our solution (incl. videos / screencasts)
- KDE 4 Everyone (General)
- KDE 4 Schools
- KDE 4 Universities
- KDE 4 Students
- KDE 4 Business / KDE 4 Enterprises / KDE 4 SME /
- KDE @home
- KDE @work
- ...
How you could help:
- Think about the tasks you want to solve with your computer and how you do it.
- Think about the persons in your environment. What challenges do they have and how could they solve them with KDE on Linux? Build a reference to known programs (iTunes => Amarok, cd burning => k3b, ...).
Write it down and share the link here.
Designing cool T-Shirts
We need cool, interesting, inspiring, curios, guiding, involving, passionate, ... t-shirts. And we don't need one, but several.
- Business trade shows
- FLOSS (trade) shows and conferences
- For the community memebers
- For fans
How you could help:
- You could add your ideas to the following questions
- Who do we want to attract?
- What might be interesting for that persons?
- Think about the "message" we want to send with that t-shirt
- You could design a t-shirt and link from here or publish it here...
- ...
This is just a collection of KDE presence in TV.
How you could help:
- Just add the links.
Community improvement
This idea behind is to improve the get more people into KDE by showing them their gains and by touching them emotionally.
- Get Involved page
- The guide to the community (for users or even non-users becoming contributors)
- How to build a local community (guide for contributors)
How could you help:
- Find some awesome pictures (under a license we can use) showing passion, fun. learning, and all other things important to you.
- see openSUSE strategy discussion