Meetings/September BW Sprint
September Baden-Wuerttemberg Sprint
This page is meant to collaboratively organize the September'10 Baden-Wuerttemberg Sprint in Stuttgart. The sprint does not feature a specific topic inside KDE but is open to all contributors to KDE either living in the area or willing to travel to Stuttgart.
Date and Location
- Date: Friday, 03.09. - Sunday, 05.09.2010
- Location: shackspace Stuttgart, Map
- Dinner at some restaurant around 20:00, location to be announced
- Night out in town, party at will
- 10:00 Meeting at shackspace
- 10:15 Introductory round
- 10:45 Lightning talks
- 13:00 Lunch - Barbecue organized by shackspace people
Lightning Talks
Everyone's invited to talk about his project/work/some other interesting topic related to KDE. If you want to give a talk of around 10 minutes (German/English), just append your name and the topic of your talk to the list.
- Michael Leupold (lemma): KDE und der Secret Service
- Probably revamping some parts of my Akademy lightning talk but in German and reporting on some of the progress I've made in the meantime.
- Michael Leupold (lemma): KDE und der Secret Service
- You?: Your topic