== Kdenlive keyboard shortcuts. ==
During the first Kdenlive café we talked about to open a page about keyboard shortcuts. Someone said that professionals won't use Kdenlive for this reason because without the right shortcuts the job isn't fast enough. I'm a professional video editor who wants to sustain Kdenlive development so I studied the problem but, as I wrote in the chat during the Café, we don't miss the shortcuts but the functions (insert and extract with IN OUT point as references, a good trimming window and all the 4 different kind of timming functions.) As first step I checked again how the main professional systems I used in the past (AVID, Premiere and FCP) are mapped. For the moment my first list for basical functions is this one:
Go to IN: Q
Go to OUT: W
First frame of a selected clip: A
Last frame of a selected clip: S
Go to previous CUT: PageDOWN
Go to next CUT: PageUP
Go at the timeline beginning: HOME
Go at the timeline end: END
Previous Frame: LEFT ARROW
Delete IN: D
Delete OUT: F
Delete IN and OUT: G
Play Pause: Space
Stop Pause: K
Play: L (for multispeed press more times L)
Play backward: J (for multispeed press more times J)
LIFT from IN to OUT point: Z (this function still miss)
EXTRACT from IN to OUT point: X (this function still miss)
Standard video or audio TRANSITION: Shift+D (you have to be with the edit line between two clips and we need single track video and audio transition function)
Timeline Render: ENTER
Menu Acess: Alt+letter for the menu (but you never use menu during editing. You use it for preparing the project and for managing the editor program)
Maybe the first step we can do is to use these references for creating a new default map.
I hope we can start a discussion on this.
Massimo Stella