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Applications/15.12 Release Notes

From KDE Community Wiki
Revision as of 21:42, 20 November 2015 by Albert Astals Cid (talk | contribs)
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New tarballs:

* spectacle

Removed tarballs:

* amor
* kde-base-artwork
* kde-wallpapers
* kdeartwork
* ksnapshot 
* ktux
* superkaramba

KF5 based tarballs:

* akonadi
* akonadi-calendar
* akonadi-search
* analitza
* ark
* artikulate [NEW]
* baloo-widgets
* blinken
* bomber
* bovo
* cantor
* dolphin
* dolphin-plugins
* dragon
* ffmpegthumbs [NEW]
* filelight
* gpgmepp
* granatier
* gwenview
* kaccounts-integration
* kaccounts-providers
* kalarmcal
* kalgebra
* kamera [NEW]
* kanagram
* kapman
* kapptemplate
* kate
* katomic
* kblackbox
* kblocks
* kblog
* kbounce
* kbreakout
* kbruch
* kcalc
* kcalcore
* kcalutils
* kcharselect
* kcontacts
* kcron
* kdebugsettings
* kdegraphics-thumbnailers [NEW]
* kdenetwork-filesharing [NEW]
* kdenlive
* kdepim
* kdepim-runtime
* kdepimlibs
* kdesdk-thumbnailers [NEW]
* kdiamond
* kfourinline
* kgeography
* khangman
* kholidays
* kidentitymanagement
* kig
* killbots
* kimap
* kio-extras
* kiriki
* kiten
* kjumpingcube
* kldap
* klettres
* klickety [NEW]
* klines
* kmailtransport
* kmbox
* kmime
* kmines
* kmplot
* knavalbattle [NEW]
* knetwalk
* kollision
* kompare
* konsole
* kontactinterface
* kpat
* kpimtextedit
* krfb [NEW]
* kross-interpreters
* kruler
* kshisen
* ksquares
* kstars
* ksystemlog [NEW]
* kteatime
* ktimer
* ktnef
* ktp-accounts-kcm
* ktp-approver
* ktp-auth-handler
* ktp-common-internals
* ktp-contact-list
* ktp-contact-runner
* ktp-desktop-applets
* ktp-filetransfer-handler
* ktp-kded-module
* ktp-send-file
* ktp-text-ui
* ktuberling [NEW]
* kturtle
* kwalletmanager
* kwordquiz
* libkdcraw [NEW]
* libkdegames
* libkeduvocdocument
* libkexiv2 [NEW]
* libkface [NEW]
* libkgeomap [NEW]
* libkipi [NEW]
* libkmahjongg
* libkomparediff2
* libksane [NEW]
* lokalize
* marble
* okteta
* parley
* picmi
* poxml [NEW]
* print-manager
* rocs
* signon-kwallet-extension
* spectacle [NEW]
* step
* syndication