The Tasks
- [DONE]
Add support for appending CSV data to an existing table - [unassigned] Add skipEmptyColumns, skipEmptyRows
- [unassigned] Add options to parse booleans (default: 0, false, no, "false", "no" -> false; 1, true, yes, "true", "yes" -> true)
- [unassigned] Add options to specify accepted false/true boolean values
- [unassigned] Add option to specify if missing boolean value should be treat as true or false ( import-globally, also depends on 'required' property)
- [W. Kosowicz] Add option to skip comment lines (off by default, if enabled, whitespace is allowed before the character)
- [unassigned] Add option to specify comment character (# by default)
- [unassigned] Add options to specify date, time, date-time formats (reg exp, mask?)
- Add number settings (see also KDE locale tab):
- [unassigned] Digit grouping (default from locale, can be space/,/./)
- [unassigned] Decimal separator (default from locale, can be space/,/./)
- [unassigned] Positive sign (default from locale, propose +)
- [unassigned] Negative sign (default from locale, propose -)
- [unassigned] Digit set (default from locale)
- [unassigned] Add option to specify escape character
- [unassigned] Add option to specify if multiline text values are allowed (true by default), if allowed, \n or \r\n can occur inside of text value
- [unassigned] Add option to specify 'required' property for given column (true, false, default)
- [unassigned] Add import-global option to specify 'required' property for columns
- [unassigned] Add option to define behaviour on malformed CSV (unclosed quote, extra quote, missing values) - either stop with error or show warning only
- [unassigned] Move options from the main dialog to configuration
- [unassigned] Fix it: default extension is txt first, then csv...