< KDEEdu
General Information
KF5 Porting
- Discuss schedule
- Do porting work
- ...
GCompris cooperation
- Present KDE Edu to the GCompris team
- The GCompris team presents the status of the Qt Quick port and were they are going.
- Define cooperation opportunities
GCompris administration
The GCompris team will work on specifying and prototyping an administration module for the Qt Quick version of GCompris. We are already tracking this work on our Wiki.
The idea is to offer and option for teachers to manage a classroom with several computers (or tablets) running GCompris. This will probably have the form of a central web site were the teacher creates profiles for his GCompris users. In this connected mode, the teacher can:
- control the activity list provided to the children,
- adapt of create exercises for the children,
- get real time feedback about their accomplishments.
Next Objective ...
- (fill in your KDE Edu plans/goals/objectives here)