Plasma/5.0 Errata
< Plasma
Known issues in the Plasma 5.0 release.
- Graphics corruption may occur on Intel drivers, upstream bug:
- XEmbed-based systemtray not supported anymore
- Override redirect windows (e.g. tooltips, Window Switcher, etc.) are completely translucent on first show, upstream bug:
- Aurorae window decoration themes might crash the window manager, upstream bug:
- KWin freezes if the workspace is extended if not using Qt > 5.3.2.
- Text in QML (Plasma Applets and/or Aurorae windows decorator) can get corrupted/turned into boxes:
- Battery monitor tray icon does not reflect AC adapter state - that is gone from Solid Devices, Power API not yet ready
- Running a Qt5 application using libvlc crashes that application, apparently because of outdated/non-existing VLC cache. See launchpad bug
Missing features
- No holidays or calendar events displayed in the Plasma calendar - Awaiting KDE PIM libraries to port to KF5/Plasma5.
- Unable to edit individual locale settings - Can change locale used for setting groups such as currency or date/time, but cannot yet modify individual settings like short date format - Awaiting support upstream in Qt.