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Plasma/Plasma Media Center/getting started with PMC

From KDE Community Wiki


Plasma media Center (PMC) is KDE's Media Center which allow you to play your favourite songs, view lovely pictures and watch viedos together at one place.

This wiki page is created mainly tell how and from where a person should start with in order to contribute into this project. Our main wiki page related to Plasma Media Center is available at http://community.kde.org/Plasma/Plasma_Media_Center

Source Code

You can browse Plasma Media center source code at https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/multimedia/plasma-mediacenter/repository

To get the current source code from git, you can use following in your terminal

    $ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/plasma-mediacenter

Package dependency

You need to install follwoing package before compiling PMC source code

  • Following Required devel pacakge:
    * kde-workspace
    * qt-mobility
    * taglib
    * nepomuk-core
  • kffmpegthumbnailer as optional

Building source

  • Go inside plasma-mediacenter folder
     $ cd plasma-mediacenter
  • Now, create a build directory. build directory will contain all binaries, libraries generated by make
     $ mkdir build
  • Enter into build directory
     $ cd build
  • Run cmake in source directory, you can also provide custom path in option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to tell where your final binary should get installed
     $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`
  • Run make command to generate binaries
     $ make or,
     $ make -j(n+1)         # here, n = number of CPU available in your system
  • Now, install binaries to path mentioned in option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
      $ sudo make install
  • Now, run kbuildsycoca4 in order to get plugins loaded
      $ kbuildsycoca4

- You can also take help from blog http://sinny.in/node/25

Bug report and fixes

Once you are done with successful installation, run plasma-mediacentr and use various features available into it.

Getting Help

If you have any question or need any kind of help then