Plasma/Plasma Media Center/Release 1.1
Release Schedule
- 01 April - Start of development for PMC 1.1
- 15 June - Feature freeze, no more features to master
01 July 201301 August 2013 - PMC 1.1 Beta [Source tarball and Beta blog]15 July 201311 August 2013 - PMC 1.1 RC [ Source tarball and RC blog]01 Aug 201320 August 2013 - PMC 1.1 release [Source tarball and KDE dot article]
Planned features
- Refactored common components for media browsers
- Keyboard navigation for All Music mode [done]
- Youtube backend for watching videos [done]
- Video/Audio podcasts
Achieved features and improvements
- Youtube backend for watching online videos
- Media file association with Plasma Media Center
- Plasma Media Center command line option to open audio and video file in it
$ plasma-mediacenter [--fullscreen] <audio/video file url>
- Option to go back to currently playing media on clicking empty area in home-screen
- Dimming image/video when it is not viewed directly
- Shuffle playlist items instead of playing random item
- Reordering playlist item by holding and dragging to new position
- Deleting playlist item on Holding and dragging item outside playlist
- Dedicated option in home-screen to exit Plasma Media Center