Calligra/Meetings/Spring 2013 Sprint/Bangalore
Venue Address
ThoughtWorks Technologies (India)
2nd floor, ACR Mansion
147/F, 8th Main, 3rd Block
Koramangala, Bangalore-560034, India
Venue Map
{{#display_map:12.92873, 77.62907|width=600|height=400|service=osm|zoom=16}}
Reaching Bangalore
Bangalore is well connected by train, bus and air. Choose what you prefer :)
A good match of being close to the venue and having good ratings is Mango Suites in Koramangala -
This should cost ~35 EUR for two people, if you are planning to attend the sprint in Bangalore, please book your room asap. Also, try to coordinate with the other attendees and try to share a room.