Calligra/Meetings/Fall 2011 meeting/Minutes
Kexi BoF
- OwnCloud integration for Kexi storage, contributors needed
- WebForms, contributors needed
- Fullscreen: TODO
- Define object model for public Kexi APIs, then start to implement using QtScript. Documentation of the object model would become a base for section in the Kexi Handbook (minus development notes).
- Good news: we have!
- The community has decided on the logo, it's not up for discussion now. We go further to helping users/3rd parties to properly refer to our project in a way so we feel comfortable enough.
- Calligra Branding presentation (jstaniek)
- Logo guidelines draft 1, please discuss (jstaniek)
Plan: Move plugin tabbed toolbars to plugins
- define KexiTabInfo { QString name; QString toolTip; QString whatsThis; QString tabText; QColor tabColor; QWidget* widget; }
- implement virtual QList<KexiTabInfo*> KexiPart::createMenuTabs() const = 0;
- implement createMenuTabs() is kexi form and report plugins.
Idea: User feedback module
- design & implement user feedback module
- ask users to participate in anonymous gathering of statistical data
- collect user
- user can sign up using nick name to see her contribution!
Idea: New developers in Kexi Mobile sub-project
SPOILER! Three new Kexi devs are N9* owners now and two of them look forward to contribute something.
- Use //! @todo, Q_ASSERT(), see techbase for more hints
KoReports and/or mail merge?
Mail merge CAN be superset of KoReports BUT the latter less complex code because of lack of ODF dependency and flake editing code that is not all needed for reports.
- Radek: unit tests for Predicate
- Radek: Chart form widget, look as possibilities of sharing code with koreport chart
- Dimitrios: Split function for any view; vertical, horizontal; start with internal (in view, per view); consider external one
- Dimitrios: family of functions
- Quick bugfix: RMB menu should be related to clicked tab, not always the active one
- "New Window" - creates new empty kexi main window with prj navigator and tabbed toolbar
- Detach tab - do the same as in "New Window", close current tab and open it in the new window; never destroy the object's view but just reparent
- Attach tab - close the tab in the "New Window", if the new window is empty, close it, attach the tab to place it was attached to before; never destroy the object's view but just reparent
- Full screen; F11
- Split View, as in Kate's View menu: Previous Split View Shift+F8; Next Split View F8; Split Vertical CTRL+Shift+L; Split Horizontal CTRL+Shift+H; Close Current View CTRL+Shift+R; needs synchronisation when data is changed and filters are applied
- Dual View: Split View with Table or Query on top and related Autoform below - when launched from table or query; Split View with Form on top and related Table view below - when launched from form
- Open: show records selected for removal in DML queries in color, e.g. red (preview) before actual execution of query
- Add "Translations" node in the project navigator
- Angry Access Users!
- Send a Cake for 22th anniversary of MSA!