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Get Involved/development/IDE configuration/Visual Studio Code: Difference between revisions

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Nmariusp (talk | contribs)
User settings
Nmariusp (talk | contribs)
Line 151: Line 151:

E.g. scroll to "Cmake: Environment Environment variables to set when running CMake commands." > Add Item > Key: <code>PATH</code> , Value: <code>~/kde/usr/bin:${env:PATH}</code>. Then, while you hover with the mouse over this settings, or wile you edit this setting, on the left hand side of "Cmake: Environment" a "gear" icon will appear > click on it > Copy Settings as JSON > make sure that the contents of the clipboard is equal to the JSON snippet from above, for "cmake.environment".
E.g. scroll to "Cmake: Environment Environment variables to set when running CMake commands." > Add Item > Key: <code>PATH</code> , Value: <code>~/kde/usr/bin:${env:PATH}</code>. Then, while you hover with the mouse over this settings, or wile you edit this setting, on the left hand side of "Cmake: Environment" a "gear" icon will appear > click on it > Copy Settings as JSON > make sure that the contents of the clipboard is equal to the JSON snippet from above, for "cmake.environment".
After you finish configuring VSCode, close all VSCode windows.

==Working on a project==
==Working on a project==

Revision as of 00:22, 15 August 2022

Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular cross-platform, general-purpose, open source IDE. Thanks to its powerful extensions ecosystem it supports many languages as well as deep customization options for themes, fonts, keyboard controls, and more.


VSCode is available as a deb, rpm, portable, and in the Arch User Repository.



Once VSCode is installed we need some extensions to enable support for the languages to work on KDE projects.

  1. C/C++ Extension Pack - Enables support for C++ and CMake.
  1. Qt tools - Enables some Qt support.
  1. QML - Enables syntax highlighting for QML.


Zeal is an application that allows browsing documentation offline.

Dash is a VSCode extension that enables a hotkey (Ctrl + H) to instantly open the item under the cursor in Zeal.

These paired together make looking up documentation while working on code very quick and easy.

kdesrc-build configuration

Needed to enable Language Server Protocol support:

In ~/.config/kdesrc-buildrc ensure these two options are in the global section and set to true:

    compile-commands-linking true
    compile-commands-export true

Other recommended settings:

    cmake-options -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    directory-layout invent
end global


We will use kcalc (the KDE calculator app) as an example. Build kcalc:

kdesrc-build kcalc

Either open VSCode, from the VSCode main menu > File > Open Folder... [Ctrl+K Ctrl+O] > select ~/kde/src/utilities/kcalc/.

Or, in a terminal,

cd ~/kde/src/utilities/kcalc
code .

The directory opened in VSCode is also known as the VSCode workspace folder.

VSCode have two sets of settings: "User" settings (e.g. ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json) and "Workspace" settings (e.g. ~/kde/src/utilities/kcalc/.vscode/settings.json). You can see these in VSCode main menu > File > Preferences > Settings Ctrl+Comma > at the top there are two tabs: "User" and "Workspace"

VSCode holds settings related to a specific project in the top-level directory of that project, in a hidden directory named .vscode.

We will use kcalc (the KDE calculator app) as an example of where to add our project configuration files:


Create this file. Make it have the content:

    "cmake.buildDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/../../build/dolphin"


This config enables the correct settings to support C++, CMake & IntelliSense.

Create this file. Make it have the content:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Linux",
            "includePath": [
            "defines": [],
            "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
            "cStandard": "c17",
            "cppStandard": "c++17",
            "intelliSenseMode": "${default}",
            "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/compile_commands.json"
    "version": 4

User settings

These settings apply once to every project.

In VSCode open the command palette with Ctrl + Shift + P > "Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)". On my machine the file has the content:

    "editor.wordWrap": "on",
    "cmake.environment": {
      "PATH": "~/kde/usr/bin:${env:PATH}",
      "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:${env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH}",
      "XDG_DATA_DIRS": "~/kde/usr/share:${env:XDG_DATA_DIRS}",
      "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS": "~/kde/usr/etc/xdg:${env:XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}",
      "QT_PLUGIN_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/plugins:${env:QT_PLUGIN_PATH}",
      "QML2_IMPORT_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/qml:${env:QML2_IMPORT_PATH}",
      "QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/:${env:QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE_PATH}",
    "cmake.generator": "Unix Makefiles",
    "cmake.installPrefix": "~/kde/usr",

Or, alternatively, from VSCode main menu > File > Preferences > Settings Ctrl+Comma > User > Extensions > CMake Tools > scroll through the list and make sure that you keep the defaults, plus you configure the following:

"cmake.environment": {
  "PATH": "~/kde/usr/bin:${env:PATH}",
  "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:${env:LD_LIBRARY_PATH}",
  "XDG_DATA_DIRS": "~/kde/usr/share:${env:XDG_DATA_DIRS}",
  "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS": "~/kde/usr/etc/xdg:${env:XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}",
  "QT_PLUGIN_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/plugins:${env:QT_PLUGIN_PATH}",
  "QML2_IMPORT_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/qml:${env:QML2_IMPORT_PATH}",
  "QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE_PATH": "~/kde/usr/lib/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/:${env:QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE_PATH}"

"cmake.generator": "Unix Makefiles"

"cmake.installPrefix": "~/kde/usr"

E.g. scroll to "Cmake: Environment Environment variables to set when running CMake commands." > Add Item > Key: PATH , Value: ~/kde/usr/bin:${env:PATH}. Then, while you hover with the mouse over this settings, or wile you edit this setting, on the left hand side of "Cmake: Environment" a "gear" icon will appear > click on it > Copy Settings as JSON > make sure that the contents of the clipboard is equal to the JSON snippet from above, for "cmake.environment".

After you finish configuring VSCode, close all VSCode windows.

Working on a project

We work on a project in VSCode by opening it as a folder:

  • File -> Open Folder
  • Navigate to ~/kde/src/dolphin and press OK


Along the bottom of the window are buttons to configure, build, run, debug, etc.